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راه اندازی RTC

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    راه اندازی RTC

    سلام بر اساتید گرامی
    من میخواستم ساعت و تاریخ رو از واحد RTC بگیرم اما نشد لطفا راهنمایی بفرمایید.

    پاسخ : راه اندازی RTC

    نوشته اصلی توسط O.Rahmani
    سلام بر اساتید گرامی
    من میخواستم ساعت و تاریخ رو از واحد RTC بگیرم اما نشد لطفا راهنمایی بفرمایید.
    کدتون رو بزارید ولی من خودم که یه بار داشتم راه مینداختم مشکل اصلیم اون رجیستری بود که اجازه ی نوشتن تو RTC رو میداد اون رو همون اول کار تنظیم کنید که بتونید بنویسید

    ...تشکر خدا...
    [img width=97 height=100]http://mahdi3d.persiangig.com/image/5280543_t.jpg[/img]


      پاسخ : راه اندازی RTC

      این کدی هست که دارم باهاش کار میکنم

      #include "RTC_Time.h" 
      /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
      //#define RTCClockOutput_Enable /* RTC Clock/64 is output on tamper pin(PC.13) */ 
      /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
      void Time_Set(u32 t);
      * Function Name : Time_ConvUnixToCalendar
      * Description  : ת»»UNIXʱ¼ä´ÁΪÈÕÀúʱ¼ä
      * Input     : - t: µ±Ç°Ê±¼äµÄUNIXʱ¼ä´Á
      * Output     : None
      * Return     : struct tm
      * Attention		 : None
      struct tm Time_ConvUnixToCalendar(time_t t)
      	struct tm *t_tm;
      	t_tm = localtime(&t);
      	t_tm->tm_year += 1900;	/* localtimeת»»½á¹ûµÄtm_yearÊÇÏà¶ÔÖµ£¬ÐèҪת³É¾ø¶ÔÖµ */
      	return *t_tm;
      * Function Name : Time_ConvCalendarToUnix
      * Description  : дÈëRTCʱÖÓµ±Ç°Ê±¼ä
      * Input     : - t: struct tm
      * Output     : None
      * Return     : time_t
      * Attention		 : None
      time_t Time_ConvCalendarToUnix(struct tm t)
      	t.tm_year -= 1900; /* Íⲿtm½á¹¹Ìå´æ´¢µÄÄê·ÝΪ2008¸ñʽ	*/
      						/* ¶øtime.hÖж¨ÒåµÄÄê·Ý¸ñʽΪ1900Ä꿪ʼµÄÄê·Ý */
      						/* ËùÒÔ£¬ÔÚÈÕÆÚת»»Ê±Òª¿¼Âǵ½Õâ¸öÒòËØ¡£*/
      	return mktime(&t);
      * Function Name : Time_GetUnixTime
      * Description  : ´ÓRTCÈ¡µ±Ç°Ê±¼äµÄUnixʱ¼ä´ÁÖµ
      * Input     : None
      * Output     : None
      * Return     : time_t
      * Attention		 : None
      time_t Time_GetUnixTime(void)
      	return (time_t)RTC_GetCounter();
      * Function Name : Time_GetCalendarTime
      * Description  : ´ÓRTCÈ¡µ±Ç°Ê±¼äµÄÈÕÀúʱ¼ä£¨struct tm£©
      * Input     : None
      * Output     : None
      * Return     : struct tm
      * Attention		 : None
      struct tm Time_GetCalendarTime(void)
      	time_t t_t;
      	struct tm t_tm;
      	t_t = (time_t)RTC_GetCounter();
      	t_tm = Time_ConvUnixToCalendar(t_t);
      	return t_tm;
      * Function Name : Time_SetUnixTime
      * Description  : ½«¸ø¶¨µÄUnixʱ¼ä´ÁдÈëRTC
      * Input     : - t: time_t 
      * Output     : None
      * Return     : None
      * Attention		 : None
      void Time_SetUnixTime(time_t t)
      * Function Name : Time_SetCalendarTime
      * Description  : ½«¸ø¶¨µÄCalendar¸ñʽʱ¼äת»»³ÉUNIXʱ¼ä´ÁдÈëRTC
      * Input     : - t: struct tm
      * Output     : None
      * Return     : None
      * Attention		 : None
      void Time_SetCalendarTime(struct tm t)
      * Function Name : NVIC_Configuration
      * Description  : Configures the nested vectored interrupt controller.
      * Input     : None
      * Output     : None
      * Return     : None
      * Attention		 : None
      static void NVIC_Configuration(void)
       NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure;
       /* Configure one bit for preemption priority */
       /* Enable the RTC Interrupt */
       NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = RTC_IRQn;
       NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = 1;
       NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0;
       NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;
      * Function Name : NVIC_Configuration
      * Description  : Configures the RTC.
      * Input     : None
      * Output     : None
      * Return     : None
      * Attention		 : None
      static void RTC_Configuration(void)
       /* Enable PWR and BKP clocks */
       RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_PWR | RCC_APB1Periph_BKP, ENABLE);
       /* Allow access to BKP Domain */
       /* Reset Backup Domain */
       /* Enable LSE */
       /* Wait till LSE is ready */
       while (RCC_GetFlagStatus(RCC_FLAG_LSERDY) == RESET)
       /* Select LSE as RTC Clock Source */
       /* Enable RTC Clock */
       /* Wait for RTC registers synchronization */
       /* Wait until last write operation on RTC registers has finished */
       /* Enable the RTC Second */
       RTC_ITConfig(RTC_IT_SEC, ENABLE);
       /* Wait until last write operation on RTC registers has finished */
       /* Set RTC prescaler: set RTC period to 1sec */
       RTC_SetPrescaler(32767); /* RTC period = RTCCLK/RTC_PR = (32.768 KHz)/(32767+1) */
       /* Wait until last write operation on RTC registers has finished */
      * Function Name : USART_Scanf
      * Description  : USART Receive
      * Input     : - min_value: 
      *         - max_value:
      *         - lenght:
      * Output     : None
      * Return     : uint8_t
      * Attention		 : None
      static uint16_t USART_Scanf(uint32_t min_value,uint32_t max_value,uint8_t lenght)
       uint16_t index = 0;
       uint32_t tmp[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
       while (index < lenght)
        /* Loop until RXNE = 1 */
        while (USART_GetFlagStatus(USART1, USART_FLAG_RXNE) == RESET)
        tmp[index++] = (USART_ReceiveData(USART1));
      	if( tmp[index - 1] == 0x0D ) { index--; continue; }
        if ((tmp[index - 1] < 0x30) || (tmp[index - 1] > 0x39))
         printf("Please enter valid number between 0 and 9\r\n");
       /* Calculate the Corresponding value */
       if( lenght ==2 )
       index = (tmp[1] - 0x30) + ((tmp[0] - 0x30) * 10 );
       else /* lenght ==4 */
       index = (tmp[3] - 0x30) + ((tmp[2] - 0x30) * 10 ) + ((tmp[1] - 0x30) * 100 ) + ((tmp[0] - 0x30) * 1000 );
       /* Checks */
       if (index > max_value || index < min_value)
      	printf("Please enter valid number between %d and %d\r\n", min_value, max_value);
        return 0;
       return index;
      * Function Name : Time_Regulate
      * Description  : None
      * Input     : None
      * Output     : None
      * Return     : None
      * Attention		 : None
      void Time_Regulate(void)
       struct tm time;
       memset(&time, 0 , sizeof(time) );	/* Çå¿Õ½á¹¹Ìå */
       printf("=======================Time Settings==========================\r\n");
       printf("Please Set Years between 1970 to 2037\r\n");
       while ( time.tm_year>2037 || time.tm_year<1970)
        time.tm_year = USART_Scanf(1970,2037,4);
       printf("Set Years: %d\r\n", time.tm_year);
       printf("Please Set Months between 01 to 12\r\n");
       while (time.tm_mon >12 || time.tm_mon < 1 )
        time.tm_mon= USART_Scanf(1,12,2)-1;
       printf("Set Months: %d\r\n", time.tm_mon);
       printf("Please Set Days between 01 to 31\r\n");
       while (time.tm_mday >31 ||time.tm_mday <1 )
        time.tm_mday = USART_Scanf(1,31,2);
       printf("Set Days: %d\r\n", time.tm_mday);
       printf("Please Set Hours between 01 to 23\r\n");
       while (time.tm_hour >23 ||time.tm_hour <1 )
        time.tm_hour = USART_Scanf(1,23,2);
       printf("Set Hours: %d\r\n", time.tm_hour);
       printf("Please Set Minutes between 01 to 59\r\n");
       while (time.tm_min >59 || time.tm_min <1 )
        time.tm_min = USART_Scanf(1,59,2);
       printf("Set Minutes: %d\r\n", time.tm_min);
       printf("Please Set Seconds between 01 to 59\r\n");
       while (time.tm_sec >59 || time.tm_sec <1 )
        time.tm_sec = USART_Scanf(1,59,2);
       printf("Set Seconds: %d\r\n", time.tm_sec);
       /* Return the value to store in RTC counter register */
      * Function Name : RTC_Init
      * Description  : RTC Initialization
      * Input     : None
      * Output     : None
      * Return     : None
      * Attention		 : None	
      void RTC_Init(void)
       if (BKP_ReadBackupRegister(BKP_DR1) != 0xA5A5)
        /* Backup data register value is not correct or not yet programmed (when
          the first time the program is executed) */
        printf("RTC not yet configured....\r\n");
        /* RTC Configuration */
      	/* Adjust time by values entred by the user on the hyperterminal */
        printf("RTC configured....\r\n");
        BKP_WriteBackupRegister(BKP_DR1, 0xA5A5);
        /* Check if the Power On Reset flag is set */
        if (RCC_GetFlagStatus(RCC_FLAG_PORRST) != RESET)
         printf("Power On Reset occurred....\r\n");
        /* Check if the Pin Reset flag is set */
        else if (RCC_GetFlagStatus(RCC_FLAG_PINRST) != RESET)
         printf("External Reset occurred....\r\n");
        printf("No need to configure RTC....\r\n");
        /* Wait for RTC registers synchronization */
        /* Enable the RTC Second */
        RTC_ITConfig(RTC_IT_SEC, ENABLE);
        /* Wait until last write operation on RTC registers has finished */
        /* NVIC configuration */
      #ifdef RTCClockOutput_Enable
       /* Enable PWR and BKP clocks */
       RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_PWR | RCC_APB1Periph_BKP, ENABLE);
       /* Allow access to BKP Domain */
       /* Disable the Tamper Pin */
       BKP_TamperPinCmd(DISABLE); /* To output RTCCLK/64 on Tamper pin, the tamper
                       functionality must be disabled */
       /* Enable RTC Clock Output on Tamper Pin */
        /* Clear reset flags */
      * Function Name : Time_Display
      * Description  : Printf Time
      * Input     : None
      * Output     : None
      * Return     : None
      * Attention		 : None
      void Time_Display(void)
        struct tm time;
        time = Time_GetCalendarTime();
        printf("Time: %d-%d-%d  %02d:%02d:%02d \r\n", time.tm_year, \
                time.tm_mon+1, time.tm_mday,\
                time.tm_hour, time.tm_min, time.tm_sec);


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