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تابع تخمین شبکه عصبی

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    تابع تخمین شبکه عصبی

    سلام دوستان من یه شبکه عصبی رو با الگوریتم لونبرگ اموزش دادم از طریق تولباکس متلب 2014 ..........

    در اخر بهم یه فایل به اسم matlab fuction داده که ماتریس وزن ها و بایاس ها توش هست ............

    میخوام بدونم تابع تخمین من به چه صورته ؟ مثلآ

    جای علامت سوال باید چی باشه ؟

    ابنم کد فایل متلب فانکشن
    function [Y,Xf,Af] = myNeuralNetworkFunction(X,~,~)
    %MYNEURALNETWORKFUNCTION neural network simulation function.
    % Generated by Neural Network Toolbox function genFunction, 27-Oct-2015 0500.
    % [Y] = myNeuralNetworkFunction(X,~,~) takes these arguments:
    % X = 1xTS cell, 1 inputs over TS timsteps
    % Each X{1,ts} = 4xQ matrix, input #1 at timestep ts.
    % and returns:
    % Y = 1xTS cell of 1 outputs over TS timesteps.
    % Each Y{1,ts} = 1xQ matrix, output #1 at timestep ts.
    % where Q is number of samples (or series) and TS is the number of timesteps.



    % Input 1
    x1_step1_xoffset = [1;0.3;3.37;17.1];
    x1_step1_gain = [0.00549450549450549;5;1.08108108108108;0.052083333 3333333];
    x1_step1_ymin = -1;

    % Layer 1
    b1 = [-4.3357181768066573;1.1376287230430129;5.3900006700 201963;-1.7994150277169461;0.4436399429664884;-7.2414338519156907;-0.027778983903903653;6.977753555996304;7.348980866 9537702;-10.424105785027471;2.2151000706148722;-1.1993938299075555;8.8987736101323645;-10.366046189559293;1.574408387131526;3.37973576198 81376;-2.8269030769417749;-0.96628047185925636;-1.6215814104194888;-0.73151610783020238;1.1554888469975126];
    IW1_1 = [1.6277460869389437 -0.874809246857847 6.3695239344806307 4.9285263699303021;-2.1101508930681305 -3.6642863016482439 -5.3642169068569059 14.553020601290301;3.9867112979713073 -2.0640813897609291 1.2365090323694861 -16.36389898415694;-2.0962854794237731 5.992936135846743 -0.96639457910018656 0.081823178818178466;-2.0889978826596574 1.2024095377876745 -4.5813091800980148 1.2626347932853863;0.058720482220370768 -1.621978326947743 8.9503637226553145 -7.8830567873527864;4.577132063585359 1.4247532855602125 -9.5267502654128702 -5.664923619691776;-10.157121932481852 -7.3025884743756526 -11.226554075604669 -13.448042913124263;8.6484160995044022 6.403745508273528 3.3745692129034368 -3.018735951097721;-11.341441210409334 1.4895003938804541 3.9917388196738282 -4.6652344848937686;1.9036465384142329 0.5118147818250256 -4.6002196838650322 5.4509108216419717;4.0669929777758584 -2.2902138612887413 2.2391861266542694 -6.1004107544701487;13.763737260726634 -0.27737849357305844 2.681067168664963 -0.48604749048632079;-14.461210105723799 -0.89179464386601937 -5.8458820636875446 4.5775430257796561;12.825347226056479 4.7257355938469106 2.1403229778736361 -2.0556459581658766;3.7097779154322716 -9.6283028800109864 1.540724915244051 0.51296154757178603;-2.7098864323627914 -1.998561880124168 2.6156272324599557 -1.0497564100132064;0.28812418381236415 -2.959005038559428 1.79996454294222 0.42560780245931429;-2.8773970239896642 0.76145538252222089 -0.89039153865876008 1.9461109130923966;-1.0924947832971843 1.9247492293016486 -1.9165790260762801 1.4092342302571055;-0.48413996660949815 -0.19452273833685838 0.10041090781943215 5.1313934185371721];

    % Layer 2
    b2 = 0.25544812618286344;
    LW2_1 = [0.26950144119551178 -0.17514499113388571 -0.096081006048322481 1.4446934417981385 0.34848666147993335 0.65987554057797393 0.073809111973780733 -0.098653797662849735 -0.19340767120166275 -0.22333982516831113 -0.22491843590305408 -0.14781917814452483 -0.081416497146157438 -0.24362342200164741 0.24402005347379435 1.1044007259062876 -0.8159536791998242 0.37347883269436993 0.97334653189449227 -1.1754971013410391 0.20047649176908264];

    % Output 1
    y1_step1_ymin = -1;
    y1_step1_gain = 0.0433745391455216;
    y1_step1_xoffset = 12.82;

    % ===== SIMULATION ========

    % Format Input Arguments
    isCellX = iscell(X);
    if ~isCellX, X = {X}; end;

    % Dimensions
    TS = size(X,2); % timesteps
    if ~isempty(X)
    Q = size(X{1},2); % samples/series
    Q = 0;

    % Allocate Outputs
    Y = cell(1,TS);

    % Time loop
    for ts=1:TS

    % Input 1
    Xp1 = mapminmax_apply(X{1,ts},x1_step1_gain,x1_step1_xof fset,x1_step1_ymin);

    % Layer 1
    a1 = tansig_apply(repmat(b1,1,Q) + IW1_1*Xp1);

    % Layer 2
    a2 = repmat(b2,1,Q) + LW2_1*a1;

    % Output 1
    Y{1,ts} = mapminmax_reverse(a2,y1_step1_gain,y1_step1_xoffse t,y1_step1_ymin);

    % Final Delay States
    Xf = cell(1,0);
    Af = cell(2,0);

    % Format Output Arguments
    if ~isCellX, Y = cell2mat(Y); end

    % ===== MODULE FUNCTIONS ========

    % Map Minimum and Maximum Input Processing Function
    function y = mapminmax_apply(x,settings_gain,settings_xoffset,s ettings_ymin)
    y = bsxfun(@minus,x,settings_xoffset);
    y = bsxfun(@times,y,settings_gain);
    y = bsxfun(@plus,y,settings_ymin);

    % Sigmoid Symmetric Transfer Function
    function a = tansig_apply(n)
    a = 2 ./ (1 + exp(-2*n)) - 1;

    % Map Minimum and Maximum Output Reverse-Processing Function
    function x = mapminmax_reverse(y,settings_gain,settings_xoffset ,settings_ymin)
    x = bsxfun(@minus,y,settings_ymin);
    x = bsxfun(@rdivide,x,settings_gain);
    x = bsxfun(@plus,x,settings_xoffset);

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