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fft با bascom

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    fft با bascom

    سلام به مهندسین

    امن میخوام الگوریتم تبدیل فوره رو تو بسکام بنویسم ...یه کم مشکل دارم .برنامه ای که نوشتم خطا می ده. کسی مستونه کمکم کنه ه ه ه؟؟

    پاسخ : fft با bascom

    برنامه را بزارید شاید بشه مشکل را حل کرد .


      پاسخ : fft با bascom

      حالتون خوبه اشتهاتون چطوره
      تنها موردي كه همه آدما يقين دارن خدا در حقش زیاد لطف کرده
      داشتن عقله زيادتر از دیگر آدم ها است


        پاسخ : fft با bascom

        نوشته اصلی توسط aliila
        حالتون خوبه اشتهاتون چطوره
        منظورتون چیه .


          پاسخ : fft با bascom

          سلام دوستان
          اگه کسی بتونه یک برنامه در بسکام واسهfft پ کنه ممنون میشم
          راستش من هم به این برنامه نیاز دارم


            پاسخ : fft با bascom

            سلام داخل سایتش برو توضیح میده....
            ' _____________________________________________________________________________
            '|Program "analizator widma akustycznego 16*2 - V2" kompilator bascom |
            '|Autor: HUNTERHOUSE(Adam Kêdzierski) i czê½ciowo MANEKINEN(Pawe³ Kisielewski) |
            '|  data: 21.12.2009                             |
            '|                                       |
            '| info: http://www.elektroda.pl/rtvforum/topic776332-0.html          |
            '| www: http://diy.elektroda.eu/analizator-widma-v2              |
            '|  wszelkie modyfikacje dozwolone, publikuj¹c nale¿y zachowaæ ten nag³ówek  |
            ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
            $regfile = "m8def.dat"
            $crystal = 16000000
            Const Falloff = 1                      'ilo½æ cykli po jakim s³upki opadn¹, wolne opadanie
            Const Timer1_h = _xtal / 44000
            Const Timer1_l = _xtal / 2000
            Reset Watchdog
            Config Watchdog = 256
            Stop Watchdog
            Dim Div As Iram Integer At 16
            Dim K As Byte
            Dim I As Byte
            Dim Tmp_s As Integer
            Dim Tmp_c As Integer
            Dim Beta As Iram Byte
            Dim Suma As Word
            Dim Sam As Byte
            Dim Sampling As Bit
            Dim Rex_t As Integer , Imx_t As Integer
            Dim Dane(32) As Integer
            Dim Sample_h(32) As Integer
            Dim Sample_l(32) As Integer
            Dim Okno(32) As Byte
            Dim Rex(16) As Integer
            Dim Sinus(40) As Integer
            Dim Wynik(16) As Byte , Wynik_o(16) As Byte         'x
            Dim Sing As Single
            Dim Poziom As Integer
            Dim Line1d(16) As Byte                   'x
            Dim Line2d(16) As Byte                   'x
            Dim Falloff_count(16) As Byte                'x
            $lib "lcd4busy.lib"
            Const _lcdport = Portd
            Const _lcdddr = Ddrd
            Const _lcdin = Pind
            Const _lcd_e = 3
            Const _lcd_rw = 2
            Const _lcd_rs = 1
            Config Lcd = 16 * 2                     'x
            '****** dodano w wesji 2 ***********
            Dim Jasnosc_e As Eram Byte At 1
            Dim Czulosc_e As Eram Byte At 2
            Dim Efekt_e As Eram Byte At 3
            Dim Jasnosc As Byte
            Dim Jasnosc_vfd As Byte
            Dim Czulosc As Byte
            Dim Poziom_a As Byte
            Dim Efekt As Byte
            Dim Lazienka_jest_zamknieta As Byte             'hahaha a czemu nie!
            Dim Uklad As Byte
            Dim Jasnosc_flaga As Bit
            Dim Czulosc_flaga As Bit
            Config Portb = &B00001000
            Portb = &B11111111
            Config Portc = Input
            Portc.5 = 1
            Portc.4 = 1
            Jasn_up Alias Pinb.5
            Jasn_dn Alias Pinb.4
            Czul_up Alias Pinb.2
            Czul_dn Alias Pinb.1
            Tryb Alias Pinb.0
            Presc Alias Pinc.5
            Vfd Alias Pinc.4
            'Dim Presc As Bit
            'Dim Vfd As Bit
            'Presc = 0
            'Vfd = 0
            Efekt = Efekt_e
            Gosub Lcdchr
            Czulosc = Czulosc_e
            'Czulosc = 15                        '**************************
            Poziom_a = Czulosc * 0.4
            Poziom_a = 8 - Poziom_a
            Jasnosc = Jasnosc_e
            'Jasnosc = 50                        '**************************
            Config Timer2 = Pwm , Prescale = 1 , Compare Pwm = Clear Up
            If Vfd = 0 Then
              Jasnosc_vfd = Jasnosc / 10
              If Jasnosc_vfd > 3 Then Jasnosc_vfd = 3
              Lcdcontrast Jasnosc_vfd
              Ocr2 = Jasnosc * 5
            End If
            '***** ****ec **********************
            Config Adc = Single , Prescaler = 4 , Reference = Avcc
            Start Adc
            Config Timer1 = Timer , Prescale = 1
            On Compare1a Sampleh
            On Compare1b Samplel
            Compare1a = Timer1_h
            Compare1b = Timer1_l
            Enable Timer1
            Start Timer1
            Enable Interrupts
            Disable Int0
            Disable Int1
            For K = 0 To 31
            Sinus(k + 1) = Lookup(k , Tab_sin)
              'Okno(k + 1) = 255
              'Okno(k + 1) = Lookup(k , Okno_blackman)
              'Okno(k + 1) = Lookup(k , Okno_hamming)
              Okno(k + 1) = Lookup(k , Okno_hanning)
            Next K
            Sinus(33) = Lookup(0 , Tab_sin)
            Sinus(34) = Lookup(1 , Tab_sin)
            Sinus(35) = Lookup(2 , Tab_sin)
            Sinus(36) = Lookup(3 , Tab_sin)
            Sinus(37) = Lookup(4 , Tab_sin)
            Sinus(38) = Lookup(5 , Tab_sin)
            Sinus(39) = Lookup(6 , Tab_sin)
            Sinus(40) = Lookup(7 , Tab_sin)
            Start Watchdog
            Reset Watchdog
            Gosub Buttons
            Gosub Sample_h
            If Sampling = 1 Then Goto Main_1
            Gosub Sample_l
            Gosub Copy_low
            Gosub Dft
            Gosub Przelicz_low
            Gosub Copy_high
            Gosub Dft
            Gosub Przelicz_high
            If Sampling = 1 Then Goto Main_3
            Gosub Save
              Poziom = 0
              For K = 1 To 32
               Div = Sample_h(k)
               asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16
               Sample_h(k) = Div
               Poziom = Poziom + Sample_h(k)
              Next K
              Div = Poziom
              asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16
              asr r17:ror r16
              Poziom = Div
              For K = 1 To 32
               Dane(k) = Sample_h(k) - Poziom
               Dane(k) = Dane(k) * Okno(k)
               Div = Dane(k)
               asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16
               asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16
               Dane(k) = Div
               If Dane(k) > 127 Then Dane(k) = 127
               If Dane(k) < -127 Then Dane(k) = -127
              Next K
              Poziom = 0
              For K = 1 To 32
               Div = Sample_l(k)
               asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16
               Sample_l(k) = Div
               Poziom = Poziom + Sample_l(k)
              Next K
              Div = Poziom
              asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16
              asr r17:ror r16
              Poziom = Div
              For K = 1 To 32
               Dane(k) = Sample_l(k) - Poziom
               Dane(k) = Dane(k) * Okno(k)
               Div = Dane(k)
               asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16
               asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16
               Dane(k) = Div
               If Dane(k) > 127 Then Dane(k) = 127
               If Dane(k) < -127 Then Dane(k) = -127
              Next K
            For K = 1 To 15
             Rex_t = 0
             Imx_t = 0
              For I = 0 To 31
               Beta = I * K
               Beta = Beta And 31
               Tmp_s = Sinus(beta + 1) * Dane(i + 1)
               Tmp_c = Sinus(beta + 8) * Dane(i + 1)
               Div = Tmp_s
               asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16
               asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16
               Tmp_s = Div
               Div = Tmp_c
               asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16
               asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16
               Tmp_c = Div
               Rex_t = Rex_t + Tmp_c
               Imx_t = Imx_t - Tmp_s
              Next I
              Div = Rex_t
              asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16
              Rex_t = Div
              Div = Imx_t
              asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16:asr r17:ror r16
              Imx_t = Div
              Tmp_c = Rex_t * Rex_t
              Tmp_s = Imx_t * Imx_t
              Tmp_c = Tmp_c + Tmp_s
              Rex(k + 1) = Sqr(tmp_c)
            Next K
            'pobiera 32 próbki z czêstotliwo½ci¹ 2kHz
            Config Adc = Single , Prescaler = Auto , Reference = Avcc
            Start Adc
            Timer1 = 0
            Enable Compare1b
            Sam = 0
            Sampling = 1
            Timer1 = 0
            Incr Sam
            Sample_l(sam) = Getadc(1)                  'NI¯SZE PASMO
            If Sam = 32 Then
              Disable Compare1b
              Sampling = 0
            End If
            'pobiera 32 próbki z czêstotliwo½ci¹ 44kHz
            If Presc = 0 Then
              Config Adc = Single , Prescaler = 4 , Reference = Avcc
              Config Adc = Single , Prescaler = 2 , Reference = Avcc
            End If
            'ADC dzia³a ju¿ do½æ niestabilnie na preskalerze 2 ale na 4 ju¿ sie nie wyrobi i prubkuje z f=37kHz
            ' przez du¿e f pojawiaja sie szumy jak podajemy sygna³ z generatora
            Start Adc
            Timer1 = 0
            Enable Compare1a
            Sam = 0
            Sampling = 1
            Timer1 = 0
            Incr Sam
            Sample_h(sam) = Getadc(0)                  'WY¯SZE PASMO
            If Sam = 32 Then
              Disable Compare1a
              Sampling = 0
            End If
            Przelicz_high:                       'x
            Suma = Rex(3)
            Wynik(9) = Suma
            Suma = Rex(4)
            Wynik(10) = Suma
            Suma = Rex(5)
            Wynik(11) = Suma
            Suma = Rex(6)
            Wynik(12) = Suma
            Suma = Rex(7)
            If Rex(8) > Suma Then Suma = Rex(8)
            Wynik(13) = Suma
            Suma = Rex(9)
            If Rex(10) > Suma Then Suma = Rex(10)
            Wynik(14) = Suma
            Suma = Rex(11)
            If Rex(12) > Suma Then Suma = Rex(12)
            If Rex(13) > Suma Then Suma = Rex(13)
            Wynik(15) = Suma
            Suma = Rex(14)
            If Rex(15) > Suma Then Suma = Rex(15)
            If Rex(16) > Suma Then Suma = Rex(16)
            Wynik(16) = Suma
            Przelicz_low:                        'x
            Suma = Rex(2)
            Wynik(1) = Suma
            Suma = Rex(3)
            Wynik(2) = Suma
            Suma = Rex(4)
            Wynik(3) = Suma
            Suma = Rex(5)
            If Rex(6) > Suma Then Suma = Rex(6)
            Wynik(4) = Suma
            Suma = Rex(7)
            If Rex(8) > Suma Then Suma = Rex(8)
            Wynik(5) = Suma
            Suma = Rex(9)
            If Rex(10) > Suma Then Suma = Rex(10)
            Wynik(6) = Suma
            Suma = Rex(11)
            If Rex(12) > Suma Then Suma = Rex(12)
            If Rex(13) > Suma Then Suma = Rex(13)
            Wynik(7) = Suma
            Suma = Rex(14)
            If Rex(15) > Suma Then Suma = Rex(15)
            If Rex(16) > Suma Then Suma = Rex(16)
            Wynik(8) = Suma
            For K = 1 To 16                       'x
            Sing = Wynik(k) * 0.1
            If K = 1 Then Sing = Sing * 0.6               'pierwsze dwa znaki pierwszej po³ówki zbyt mocno siê wychylaj¹, bas
            If K = 2 Then Sing = Sing * 0.7
            If K = 8 Then Sing = Sing * 1.3               'x 'ostatni znak pierwszej po³ówki jest przyt³umiony przez filtr wiêc go wzmacniam
            Sing = Log10(sing)
            Sing = Czulosc * Sing
            Tmp_c = Sing + Poziom_a
            If Tmp_c < 0 Then Tmp_c = 0
            If Tmp_c > 16 Then Tmp_c = 16
            Wynik(k) = Tmp_c
            If Wynik(k) > Wynik_o(k) Then
              Wynik_o(k) = Wynik(k)
              If Falloff_count(k) = Falloff Then
               If Wynik_o(k) > 0 Then Decr Wynik_o(k)
               Falloff_count(k) = 0
              End If
              Incr Falloff_count(k)
            End If
            '****** dodano do wersji 2 **************
            Lazienka_jest_zamknieta = Wynik_o(k) + Uklad
            Line1d(k) = Lookup(lazienka_jest_zamknieta , L1)
            Line2d(k) = Lookup(lazienka_jest_zamknieta , L2)
            Locate 1 , K
            Lcd Chr(line1d(k))
            Locate 2 , K
            Lcd Chr(line2d(k))
            'po wyliczeniu ka¿dego s³upka jest on od razu wpisywany na wy½wietlacz.
            'poni¿ej wcze½niejsze rozwi¹zanie, wysy³ane by³y wszystkie s³upki naraz po zakoñczeniu przeliczania.
            'sam nie wiem która metoda jest szybsza, nie widaæ ró¿nicy go³ym okiem.
            'teoretycznie teraz powinno byæ wolniej bo za ka¿dym razem program komunikuje siê z lcd a poprzednio tylko raz, czyli 16 razy rzadziej.
            'ale musia³em tak zrobiæ ze wzglêdu na problem z opcj¹ overlay (u¿ywanie znaku chr(0)), a zalety - ostatnie s³upki chodz¹ p³ynniej :)
            '******* ****ec ***********************
            Next K
            'Locate 1 , 1
            'Lcd Line1;
            'Locate 2 , 1
            'Lcd Line2;
            '****** dodano do wersji 2 **************
            If Jasn_up = 0 Then
              Incr Jasnosc
              If Jasnosc = 51 Then Jasnosc = 50
              Jasnosc_flaga = 1
            End If
            If Jasn_dn = 0 Then
              Decr Jasnosc
              If Jasnosc = 255 Then Jasnosc = 0
              Jasnosc_flaga = 1
            End If
            If Jasnosc_flaga = 1 Then
              Jasnosc_flaga = 0
              If Vfd = 0 Then
               Jasnosc_vfd = Jasnosc / 10
               If Jasnosc_vfd > 3 Then Jasnosc_vfd = 3
               Lcdcontrast Jasnosc_vfd
               Ocr2 = Jasnosc * 5
              End If
              Locate 1 , 3
              Lcd "Jasnosc: " ; Jasnosc ; "(" ; Jasnosc_vfd ; ")"
              Waitms 10
            End If
            If Czul_up = 0 Then
              Incr Czulosc
              If Czulosc = 51 Then Czulosc = 50
              Czulosc_flaga = 1
            End If
            If Czul_dn = 0 Then
              Decr Czulosc
              If Czulosc = 255 Then Czulosc = 0
              Czulosc_flaga = 1
            End If
            If Czulosc_flaga = 1 Then
              Czulosc_flaga = 0
              Poziom_a = Czulosc * 0.4
              Poziom_a = 8 - Poziom_a
              Locate 1 , 5
              Lcd "Czulosc: " ; Czulosc
              Waitms 10
            End If
            If Tryb = 0 Then
              Stop Watchdog
              Incr Efekt
              If Efekt = 5 Then Efekt = 0
              Gosub Lcdchr
              Efekt_e = Efekt
              'ustawienia jasno½ci i czu³o½ci s¹ zapisywane dopiero wraz ze zmian¹ efektu, wyd³u¿y to ¿ycie eepromu.
              Czulosc_e = Czulosc
              Jasnosc_e = Jasnosc
              Waitms 10
              Start Watchdog
            End If
            'Waitms 10
            'Cursor Off
            'Start Watchdog
            Select Case Efekt
              'slupki 1
              Case 0 :
               Deflcdchar 0 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 31
               Deflcdchar 1 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 31 , 31
               Deflcdchar 2 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 31 , 31 , 31
               Deflcdchar 3 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 31
               Deflcdchar 4 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 31
               Deflcdchar 5 , 32 , 32 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 31
               Deflcdchar 6 , 32 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 31
               Deflcdchar 7 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 31 , 31
               Uklad = 0
              'slupki 2
              Case 1 :
               Deflcdchar 0 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 27
               Deflcdchar 1 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 27 , 27
               Deflcdchar 2 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 27 , 27 , 27
               Deflcdchar 3 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 27 , 27 , 27 , 27
               Deflcdchar 4 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 27 , 27 , 27 , 27 , 27
               Deflcdchar 5 , 32 , 32 , 27 , 27 , 27 , 27 , 27 , 27
               Deflcdchar 6 , 32 , 27 , 27 , 27 , 27 , 27 , 27 , 27
               Deflcdchar 7 , 27 , 27 , 27 , 27 , 27 , 27 , 27 , 27
              'slupki 3
              Case 2 :
               Deflcdchar 0 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 31
               Deflcdchar 1 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 17 , 31
               Deflcdchar 2 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 31 , 17 , 31
               Deflcdchar 3 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 17 , 31 , 17 , 31
               Deflcdchar 4 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 31 , 17 , 31 , 17 , 31
               Deflcdchar 5 , 32 , 32 , 17 , 31 , 17 , 31 , 17 , 31
               Deflcdchar 6 , 32 , 31 , 17 , 31 , 17 , 31 , 17 , 31
               Deflcdchar 7 , 17 , 31 , 17 , 31 , 17 , 31 , 17 , 31
              Case 3 :
               Deflcdchar 0 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 14 , 31
               Deflcdchar 1 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 14 , 31 , 14
               Deflcdchar 2 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 14 , 31 , 14 , 32
               Deflcdchar 3 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 14 , 31 , 14 , 32 , 32
               Deflcdchar 4 , 32 , 32 , 14 , 31 , 14 , 32 , 32 , 32
               Deflcdchar 5 , 32 , 14 , 31 , 14 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32
               Deflcdchar 6 , 14 , 31 , 14 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32
               Deflcdchar 7 , 31 , 14 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32
               Uklad = 17
              Case 4:
               Deflcdchar 0 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 31
               Deflcdchar 1 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 31 , 32 , 31
               Deflcdchar 2 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 31 , 32 , 31 , 32 , 31
               Deflcdchar 3 , 32 , 31 , 32 , 31 , 32 , 31 , 32 , 31
               Uklad = 35
            End Select
            'Start Timer1
            'Start Timer0
            'Enable Interrupts
            'wspólna tablica dla ró¿nych efektów
            L1:                             'efekt 0 i 1   >>>>!<<<<             efekt 2 i 3                >>>>!<<<<           efekt 4
            Data 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 2 , 3 , 3
            L2:                             'efekt 0 i 1>!<<<<                 efekt 2 i 3            >>>>!<<<<               efekt 4
            Data 32 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 7 , 7 , 7 , 7 , 7 , 7 , 7 , 7 , 32 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 2 , 3 , 3 , 3 , 3 , 3 , 3 , 3 , 3 , 3 , 3
            '********* ****ec ************
            ' tabela 32 liczb 16 bitowych ze znakiem
            ' za³o¿ony format: MSB - czê½æ ca³kowita, LSB - czê½æ u³amkowa
            ' kwantyzacja: 0.19635 rad
            ' tabela I æwiartki sin(x), 8 pozycji (co 11,25 stopnia od 0 do 78.75)
            Data 0% , 50% , 98% , 142% , 181% , 213% , 237% , 251%
            ' tabela II æwiartki sin(x), (co 11,25 stopnia od 90 do 178.75)
            Data 255% , 251% , 237% , 213% , 181% , 142% , 98% , 50%
            ' tabela III i IV æwiartki sin(x), (co 11,25 stopnia od 180 do 258.75 i 270 - 348.75)
            ' zanegowane 2 poprzednie tabele
            Data 0% , -50% , -98% , -142% , -181% , -213% , -237% , -251%
            Data -255% , -251% , -237% , -213% , -181% , -142% , -98% , -50%
            Data 0 , 3 , 10 , 23 , 40 , 60 , 84 , 109 , 134 , 160 , 184 , 206 , 225 , 240 , 250 , 255 , 255 , 250 , 240 , 225 , 206 , 184 , 160 , 134 , 109 , 84 , 60 , 40 , 23 , 10 , 3 , 0
            'Data 20 , 23 , 30 , 42 , 57 , 76 , 97 , 120 , 144 , 168 , 190 , 210 , 228 , 241 , 251 , 255 , 255 , 251 , 241 , 228 , 210 , 190 , 168 , 144 , 120 , 97 , 76 , 57 , 42 , 30 , 23 , 20
            'Data 0 , 1 , 4 , 10 , 18 , 31 , 48 , 69 , 94 , 122 , 151 , 181 , 208 , 230 , 246 , 255 , 255 , 246 , 230 , 208 , 181 , 151 , 122 , 94 , 69 , 48 , 31 , 18 , 10 , 4 , 1 , 0


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