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یه عالمه مثال و هدرفایل برای keil lpc23xx&lpc24xx

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    یه عالمه مثال و هدرفایل برای keil lpc23xx&lpc24xx

    مثال و هدرفایل
    lpx23xx& lpx24xx keil
    حتما دانلود کنید
    کلی تو اینترنت گشتم
    تا پیداشون کردم
    از دست ندین
    • [li]common
      -- inc
      -- lpc23xx.h Definition file of all the registers of LPC23xx
      The LPC24xx register definition is also included.
      -- irq.h Interrupt related definitions and API prototyping
      -- type.h Type definition
      -- target.h Target specific definition for Keil's MCB2300 board
      -- timer.h Definition and header file for timer module
      -- src
      -- startup.s Code start up entry
      -- swi_handler.s SWI handler
      Note: not used, but a good example for future references.
      -- irq.c Generic SWI interrupt handler related APIs
      -- target.c Target specific modules
      -- timer.c Timer related APIs

      -- fio.h GPIO and fast I/O header
      -- fio.c GPIO and fast I/O APIs
      -- fiotest.c GPIO and Fast I/O test module
      -- fio.uv2 uVision project file

      -- extint.h External interrupt header
      -- extint.c External interrupt APIs
      -- einttest.c External interrupt test module
      -- extint.uv2 uVision project file

      -- tmrtest.c Timer test module, note: API modules
      are in the COMMON directory and
      shared and used by some other peripheral testing.
      -- timer.uv2 uVision project file

      -- pwmc.h PWM header
      -- pwm.c PWM APIs
      -- pwmtest.c PWM test module
      -- pwm.uv2 uVision project file

      -- spi.h SPI header
      -- spi.c SPI APIs
      -- spitest.c SPI test module
      -- spi.uv2 uVision project file

      -- ssp.h SSP(SPI1) header
      -- ssp.c SSP(SPI1) APIs, for DMA and non-DMA
      -- ssptest.c SSP(SPI1) test module
      -- ssp.uv2 uVision project file

      -- uart.h UART header
      -- uart.c UART APIs
      -- uarttest.c UART test module
      -- uart.uv2 uVision project file

      -- rtc.h Real-time clock(RTC) header
      -- rtc.c Real-time clock(RTC) APIs
      -- rtctest.c Real-time clock(RTC) test module
      -- rtc.uv2 uVision project file

      -- mci.h MCI header
      -- mci.c MCI APIs for both SD and MMC card interface,
      for DMA and non-DMA.
      -- mcitest.c MCI test module
      -- mci.uv2 uVision project file

      -- adc.h ADC header
      -- adc.c ADC APIs
      -- adctest.c ADC controller test module
      -- adc.uv2 uVision project file

      -- dac.h DAC header
      -- dac.c DAC APIs
      -- dactest.c DAC test module
      -- dac.uv2 uVision project file

      -- i2c.h I2C header
      -- i2c.c I2C APIs
      -- i2cmst.c I2C test module
      -- i2cmst.uv2 uVision project file

      -- i2s.h I2S header
      -- i2s.c I2S APIs
      -- i2stest.c I2S test module
      -- i2s.uv2 uVision project file

      -- can.h CAN header
      -- can.c CAN APIs
      -- cantest.c CAN test module
      -- can.uv2 uVision project file

      -- dma.h DMA header
      -- dma.c GPDMA APIs, memory to memory,
      memory to peripheral or peripheral
      to memory are in SSP, MCI directory.
      -- dmatest.c DMA test module
      -- dma.uv2 uVision project file

      -- wdt.h Watchdog timer header
      -- wdt.c Watchdog timer APIs
      -- wdttest.c Watchdog timer test module
      -- wdt.uv2 uVision project file

      -- pwrman.h Power management header
      -- pwrman.c Power management APIs
      -- pmtest.c Power management test module,
      test powerdown and external interrupt wakeup.
      -- pwrman.uv2 uVision project file

      -- portlcd.h 4-bit port to LCD driver header for Keil MCB2300
      -- portlcd.c 4-bit port to LCD driver APIs
      -- lcdtest.c 4-bit port to LCD test module
      -- portlcd.uv2 uVision project file

      -- crc32.h CRC calculation header
      -- crc32.c CRC calculation APIs
      -- emac.h EMAC header
      -- emac.c EMAC APIs, options include transmit only(TX_ONLY);
      receive packet, switch source and destination
      and transmit(BOUNCE_RX), WOL, etc.
      -- emactest.c EMAC test module
      -- emac.uv2 uVision project file
      -- ethpkt.txt Ethernet packet example for transmit

      -- hid.h USB HID related header
      -- hiduser.h USB HID user specific header
      -- hiduser.c USB HID user APIs
      -- usb.h USB header
      -- usbcfg.h USB configuration header
      -- usbcore.h USB Core header
      -- usbcore.c USB Core APIs
      -- usbdesc.h USB descriptor header
      -- usbdesc.c USB descriptor APIs
      -- usbhw.h USB hardware header
      -- usbhw.c USB hardware APIs
      -- usbreg.h USB misc. register header
      -- usbuser.h USB user header
      -- useuser.c USB user APIs
      -- usbmain.c USB HID test module, power management, USB
      suspend to powerdown, and resume to USB
      -- usbdev.uv2 uVision project file

      -- audio.h USB Audio related header
      -- adcuser.h USB Audio Device Class user specific header
      -- adcuser.c USB Audio Device Class user APIs
      -- usb.h USB header
      -- usbaudio.h USB Audio misc. definition header
      -- usbcfg.h USB configuration header
      -- usbcore.h USB Core header
      -- usbcore.c USB Core APIs
      -- usbdesc.h USB descriptor header
      -- usbdesc.c USB descriptor APIs
      -- usbhw.h USB hardware header
      -- usbhw.c USB hardware APIs
      -- usbreg.h USB misc. register header
      -- usbuser.h USB user header
      -- useuser.c USB user APIs
      -- usbmain.c USB Audio test module
      -- usbaudio.uv2 uVision project file

      EXTMEM ( LPC24xx only )
      -- NOR_Flash
      -- ex_norflash.h NOR flash configuration header for Embedded Artists LPC2400
      OEM board
      -- ex_norflash.c NOR flash configuration and access APIs
      -- norflash_test.c NOR flash test module
      -- ex_norflash.uv2 uVision project file
      -- NAND_Flash
      -- ex_nandflash.h NAND flash configuration header for Embedded Artists LPC2400
      OEM board
      -- ex_nandflash.c NAND flash configuration and access APIs
      -- nandflash_test.c NAND flash test module
      -- ex_nandflash.uv2 uVision project file
      -- SDRAM
      -- ex_sdram.h SDRAM configuration header for Embedded Artists LPC2400
      OEM board
      -- ex_sdram.c SDRAM configuration and access APIs
      -- sdram_test.c SDRAM test module
      -- ex_sdram.uv2 uVision project file

      EA_LCD (Embedded Artists QVGA LCD controller OEM board )
      -- lcd_hw.h 16-bit port to LCD controller driver header for Embedded Artists
      LPC2400 OEM base board
      -- lcd_hw.c 16-bit port to LCD controller driver APIs
      -- lcd_grph.c Graphic related APIs such as drawing an object such as a line,
      a circle, etc.
      -- lcd_grph.h Header file to support lcd_graph.c
      -- font5x7.c a 5x7 font for letters and numbers, etc.
      -- font5x7.h font related header
      -- font_macro.h font macro
      -- ealcd_test.c 16-bit port to LCD controller test module
      -- ea_lcd.uv2 uVision project [/li]

    پاسخ : یه عالمه مثال و هدرفایل برای keil lpc23xx&lpc24xx

    اگه دوستان اینو دسته بندی می کردند عالی میشد
    همیشه در حال یادگیری.سعی می کنم موانع سر راهم را بردارم.


      پاسخ : یه عالمه مثال و هدرفایل برای keil lpc23xx&lpc24xx

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        پاسخ : یه عالمه مثال و هدرفایل برای keil lpc23xx&lpc24xx

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        http://rapidshare.com/files/449603911/LPC23xx_24xxSample.rar857 KB

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          پاسخ : یه عالمه مثال و هدرفایل برای keil lpc23xx&lpc24xx

          سلام عزیز
          میگم این همه تو اینترنت واسه اینا گشتین یه سرم به سایت خود فیلیپس می زدین هم بد نبود . چون همه این مثال ها تو سایتش کامل و جامع هست :applause: :applause:
          Aristar Group - Always And Forever


            پاسخ : یه عالمه مثال و هدرفایل برای keil lpc23xx&lpc24xx

            philips یا nxp؟
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            اشکهايي که پس از هر شکست ميريزيم همان عرقيست که براي پيروزي نريخته ايم.


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