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ساختار برنامه ریزی کلاک آرم خیلی ساده است

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    ساختار برنامه ریزی کلاک آرم خیلی ساده است

    این ها رو پیدا کردم حیف اومد منتشر نکنم شاید به درد یکی بخوره

    #include "AT91RM9200.h"  
    #include "lib_AT91RM9200.h"  
    // [DOC1768.PDF 23.6.9 PMC Clock Generator PLL A Register]  
    //  31  30  29  28  27  26  25  24  23  22  21  20  19  18  17  16  
    // +----+----+----+----+----+------------------------------------------------------+  
    // | - | - | - | - | - |          MULA                |  
    // +----+----+----+----+----+------------------------------------------------------+  
    //  15  14  13  12  11  10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0  
    // +---------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+  
    // |  OUTA |    PLLACOUNT       |        DIVA          |  
    // +---------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+  
    // :DIVA: Divider A  
    //   0    = Divider output is 0  
    //   1    = Divider is bypassed  
    //   2 - 255 = Divider output is the Main Clock divided by DIVA.  
    // :PLLACOUNT: PLL A Counter  
    //   Specifies the number of Slow Clock cycles before the LOCKA bit is set in PMC_SR  
    //   after CKGR_PLLAR is written.  
    // :OUTA: PLL A Clock Frequency Range  
    //   0 0 : 80 MHz to 160 MHz  
    //   0 1 : Reserved  
    //   1 0 : 150 MHz to 240 MHz  
    //   1 1 : Reserved  
    // :MULA: PLL A Multiplier  
    //  0      = The PLL A is deactivated.  
    //  1 up to 2047 = The PLL A Clock frequency is the PLL A input frequency multiplied by MULA + 1.  
    // [DOC1768.PDF 23.6.11 PMC Master Clock Register]  
    //  31  30  29  28  27  26  25  24  23  22  21  20  19  18  17  16  
    // +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  
    // |                  -                     |  
    // +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  
    //  15  14  13  12  11  10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0  
    // +-----------------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+---------+  
    // |      -         |  MDIV |   -    |   PRES  |  CSS  |  
    // +-----------------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+---------+  
    // :CSS: Master Clock Selection  
    //   0 0 = Slow Clock is selected  
    //   0 1 = Main Clock is selected  
    //   1 0 = PLL A Clock is selected  
    //   1 1 = PLL B Clock is selected  
    // :PRES: Master Clock Prescaler  
    //   0 0 0 = Selected clock  
    //   0 0 1 = Selected clock divided by 2  
    //   0 1 0 = Selected clock divided by 4  
    //   0 1 1 = Selected clock divided by 8  
    //   1 0 0 = Selected clock divided by 16  
    //   1 0 1 = Selected clock divided by 32  
    //   1 1 0 = Selected clock divided by 64  
    //   1 1 1 = Reserved  
    // :MDIV: Master Clock Division (on ARM9-based systems only)  
    //   0 = The Master Clock and the Processor Clock are the same.  
    //   1 = The Processor Clock is twice as fast as the Master Clock.  
    //   2 = The Processor Clock is three times faster than the Master Clock.  
    //   3 = The Processor Clock is four times faster than the Master Clock

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