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تحلیل یه کد

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    تحلیل یه کد

    سلام .من مدت کمی هست با vhdl کار می کنم. کسی می تونه بهم کمک کنه تحلیل کاملی رو این کد انجام بدم؟اگه یه قسنت کوچیکی رو هم کمک کنید ممنون میشم.
    window_3x3x: window_3x3
    generic map (
    vwidth => 8
    port map (
    Clk => Clk,
    RSTn => RSTn,
    D => D,
    w11 => w11,
    w12 => w12,
    w13 => w13,
    w21 => w21,
    w22 => w22,
    w23 => w23,
    w31 => w31,
    w32 => w32,
    w33 => w33,
    DV => DVw
    rc_counterx: rc_counter
    generic map (
    num_cols => 128,
    num_rows => 128
    port map (
    Clk => Clk,
    RSTn => RSTn,
    En => RSTn,
    ColPos => ColPos,
    RowPos => RowPos
    convproc: process(Clk,RSTn)
    if RSTn = '0' then
    m0 <= (others=>'0'
    m1 <= (others=>'0'
    m2 <= (others=>'0'
    m3 <= (others=>'0'
    m4 <= (others=>'0'
    m5 <= (others=>'0'
    m6 <= (others=>'0'
    m7 <= (others=>'0'
    m8 <= (others=>'0'
    a10 <= (others=>'0'
    a11 <= (others=>'0'
    a12 <= (others=>'0'
    a13 <= (others=>'0'
    a14 <= (others=>'0'
    a20 <= (others=>'0'
    a21 <= (others=>'0'
    a22 <= (others=>'0'
    a30 <= (others=>'0'
    a31 <= (others=>'0'
    a40 <= (others=>'0'
    d0 <= (others=>'0'
    Dout <= (others=>'0'
    DV <= '0';
    ColPos_c <= 0;
    rt1 <= 0;
    rt2 <= 0;
    rt3 <= 0;
    7 7
    rt4 <= 0;
    rt5 <= 0;
    rt6 <= 0;
    rt7 <= 0;
    rt8 <= 0;
    RowPos_c <= 0;
    flag <= '0';
    elsif rising_edge(Clk) then
    -- counter correction
    ColPos_c <= ((ColPos-8) mod 128);
    rt1 <= ((RowPos-1) mod 128);
    rt2 <= rt1;
    rt3 <= rt2;
    rt4 <= rt3;
    rt5 <= rt4;
    rt6 <= rt5;
    rt7 <= rt6;
    rt8 <= rt7;
    RowPos_c <= rt8;
    -- screen edge detection
    if (ColPos_c = num_cols-1) or (RowPos_c = num_rows-1) or (ColPos_c
    = num_cols-2) or (RowPos_c = 0) then
    Dout <= (others=>'0'
    end if;
    if DVw = '1' then
    -- window*kernel multipliers
    -- this could be optimized by using hardware -specified multipliers
    m0 <= signed('0'&w11)*signed(k0);
    m1 <= signed('0'&w12)*signed(k1);
    m2 <= signed('0'&w13)*signed(k2);
    m3 <= signed('0'&w21)*signed(k3);
    m4 <= signed('0'&w22)*signed(k4);
    m5 <= signed('0'&w23)*signed(k5);
    m6 <= signed('0'&w31)*signed(k6);
    m7 <= signed('0'&w32)*signed(k7);
    m8 <= signed('0'&w33)*signed(k8);
    a10 <= (m0(16)&m0)+m1;
    a11 <= (m2(16)&m2)+m3;
    a12 <= (m4(16)&m4)+m5;
    a13 <= (m6(16)&m6)+m7;
    a14 <= m8(16)&m8;
    a20 <= (a10(17)&a10)+a11;
    a21 <= (a12(17)&a12)+a13;
    a22 <= a14(17)&a14;
    a30 <= (a20(18)&a20)+a21;
    a31 <= a22(18)&a22;
    a40 <= (a30(19)&a30)+a31;
    d0 <= a40(20 downto 3);
    if (ColPos_c = num_cols-1) or (RowPos_c = num_rows-1) or
    (ColPos_c = num_cols-2) or (RowPos_c = 0) then
    Dout <= (others=>'0'
    Dout <= std_logic_vector(d0);
    end if;
    end if;
    if ColPos >= 8 and RowPos >= 1 then
    DV <= '1';
    flag <= '1';
    elsif flag = '1' then
    DV <= '1';
    DV <= '0';
    end if;
    end if;
    end process;
    end conv_3x3;
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