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کمک در مورد برنامه بسکام

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    کمک در مورد برنامه بسکام

    سلام وقتتون بخیر من چندروز دیگر ارایه دارم و میخواستم لطف کنید خطهای این برنامه را برایم توضیح دهید
    ممنون دارتون میشم
    $regfile = "m8def.dat"
    $crystal = 8000000

    Declare Function M_kabise(byref Sal As Word)as Byte
    Declare Function Sh_kabise(byref Sal As Word)as Byte
    Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portb.2 , Db5 = Portb.3 , _
    Db6 = Portb.4 , Db7 = Portb.5 , E = Portb.0 , Rs = Portb.1
    Cursor Off

    Config Sda = Portd.7
    Config Scl = Portd.6
    Const Ds1307w = &HD0
    Const Ds1307r = &HD1

    Dim _sec As Byte
    Dim _min As Byte
    Dim _hour As Byte
    Dim _year As Word
    Dim Weekday As Byte
    Dim M_day As Word
    Dim Sh_day As Word
    Dim M_year As Word
    Dim Sh_year As Word
    Dim M_month As Word
    Dim Sh_month As Word
    Dim Kabise As Byte
    Dim Kole_roz_m As Word
    Dim Kole_roz_sh As Word


    Dim Conter1 As Word
    Dim Conter2 As Word
    Dim Conter3 As Word
    Dim Conter4 As Word
    Dim Day_of_month(12) As Byte
    Day_of_month(1) = 31
    Day_of_month(2) = 28
    Day_of_month(3) = 31
    Day_of_month(4) = 30
    Day_of_month(5) = 31
    Day_of_month(6) = 30
    Day_of_month(7) = 31
    Day_of_month(8) = 31
    Day_of_month(9) = 30
    Day_of_month(10) = 31
    Day_of_month(11) = 30
    Day_of_month(12) = 31


    Dim Temp1 As Integer
    Dim Temp2 As Integer
    Dim Temp3 As Word
    Dim Temp4 As Word
    Dim Temp5 As Byte

    '----------------------- keys
    Key_menu Alias Pind.0
    Config Key_menu = Input
    Portd.0 = 1

    Key_incr Alias Pind.1
    Config Key_incr = Input
    Portd.1 = 1

    Key_decr Alias Pind.2
    Config Key_decr = Input
    Portd.2 = 1
    Dim Menu As Byte
    Dim Timer_1 As Word
    Dim S1 As String * 15
    Dim S As String * 10
    S1 = " www.M32.ir"
    Dim Blink_flag As Bit
    Dim Selection As Byte

    Locate 1 , 1 : Lcd S1
    Wait 1
    Gosub Read_date_time
    Gosub M_to_sh

    Locate 1 , 1
    Lcd "TIME: " ; _hour ; ":" ; _min ; ":" ; _sec ; " "
    Locate 2 , 1
    Lcd "DATE: " ; Sh_year ; "/" ; Sh_month ; "/" ; Sh_day ; " "

    '---------------------------- WAIT AND READ KEY

    For Conter1 = 1 To 40000

    If Key_menu = 0 Then

    Waitms 100

    If Key_menu = 0 Then
    Locate 1 , 1
    Lcd " MENU "
    Wait 1
    Gosub Menu
    End If

    Waitus 10

    End If




    Selection = 1

    Incr Timer_1
    If Timer_1 > 5 Then
    Timer_1 = 0
    Toggle Blink_flag
    End If

    S1 = "TIME: "
    If Selection = 1 And Blink_flag = 0 Then

    S1 = S1 + " "

    S = Str(_hour)
    S = Format(s , "00&quot
    S1 = S1 + S

    End If
    S1 = S1 + ":"
    If Selection = 2 And Blink_flag = 0 Then

    S1 = S1 + " "

    S = Str(_min)
    S = Format(s , "00&quot
    S1 = S1 + S

    End If
    S1 = S1 + ":"
    If Selection = 3 And Blink_flag = 0 Then

    S1 = S1 + " "

    S = Str(_sec)
    S = Format(s , "00&quot
    S1 = S1 + S

    End If

    Locate 1 , 1
    Lcd S1

    S1 = "DATE: "
    If Selection = 4 And Blink_flag = 0 Then

    S1 = S1 + " "

    S = Str(sh_year)
    S = Format(s , "0000&quot
    S1 = S1 + S

    End If
    S1 = S1 + "/"
    If Selection = 5 And Blink_flag = 0 Then

    S1 = S1 + " "

    S = Str(sh_month)
    S = Format(s , "00&quot
    S1 = S1 + S

    End If
    S1 = S1 + "/"
    If Selection = 6 And Blink_flag = 0 Then

    S1 = S1 + " "

    S = Str(sh_day)
    S = Format(s , "00&quot
    S1 = S1 + S

    End If

    Locate 2 , 1
    Lcd S1

    If Key_menu = 0 Then
    Waitms 100
    If Key_menu = 0 Then Incr Selection
    End If

    If Key_incr = 0 Then
    Waitms 100
    If Key_incr = 0 Then

    If Selection = 1 Then Incr _hour
    If Selection = 2 Then Incr _min
    If Selection = 3 Then Incr _sec
    If Selection = 4 Then Incr Sh_year
    If Selection = 5 Then Incr Sh_month
    If Selection = 6 Then Incr Sh_day

    End If

    End If
    If Key_decr = 0 Then
    Waitms 100
    If Key_decr = 0 Then

    If Selection = 1 Then Decr _hour
    If Selection = 2 Then Decr _min
    If Selection = 3 Then Decr _sec
    If Selection = 4 Then Decr Sh_year
    If Selection = 5 Then Decr Sh_month
    If Selection = 6 Then Decr Sh_day

    End If

    End If

    If _hour > 100 Then _hour = 24
    If _min > 100 Then _min = 59
    If _sec > 100 Then _sec = 59

    If _hour > 24 Then _hour = 0
    If _min > 59 Then _min = 0
    If _sec > 59 Then _sec = 0
    If Sh_year > 1470 Then Sh_year = 1390
    If Sh_month > 12 Then Sh_month = 1
    If Sh_day > 31 Then Sh_day = 1

    If Sh_year < 1390 Then Sh_year = 1470
    If Sh_month < 1 Then Sh_month = 12
    If Sh_day < 1 Then Sh_day = 31

    Waitms 40

    If Selection > 6 Then Exit Do


    Locate 1 , 1
    Lcd " SAVEING"
    Wait 1
    Gosub Sh_to_m
    Gosub Setdate
    Gosub Settime


    I2cstart ' Generate start code
    I2cwbyte Ds1307w ' send address
    I2cwbyte 0 ' start address in 1307
    I2cstart ' Generate start code
    I2cwbyte Ds1307r ' send address
    I2crbyte _sec , Ack
    I2crbyte _min , Ack ' MINUTES
    I2crbyte _hour , Ack ' Hours
    I2crbyte Weekday , Ack ' Day of Week
    I2crbyte M_day , Ack ' Day of Month
    I2crbyte M_month , Ack ' Month of Year
    I2crbyte _year , Nack ' Year
    _sec = Makedec(_sec) : _min = Makedec(_min) : _hour = Makedec(_hour)
    M_day = Makedec(m_day) : M_month = Makedec(m_month) : _year = Makedec(_year)
    M_year = 2000 + _year



    _year = M_year - 2000
    M_day = Makebcd(m_day) : M_month = Makebcd(m_month) : _year = Makebcd(_year)
    I2cstart ' Generate start code
    I2cwbyte Ds1307w ' send address
    I2cwbyte 4 ' starting address in 1307
    I2cwbyte M_day ' Send Data to SECONDS
    I2cwbyte M_month ' MINUTES
    I2cwbyte _year ' Hours

    _sec = Makebcd(_sec) : _min = Makebcd(_min) : _hour = Makebcd(_hour)
    I2cstart ' Generate start code
    I2cwbyte Ds1307w ' send address
    I2cwbyte 0 ' starting address in 1307
    I2cwbyte _sec ' Send Data to SECONDS
    I2cwbyte _min ' MINUTES
    I2cwbyte _hour ' Hours


    If M_kabise(m_year) = 0 Then
    Day_of_month(2) = 28
    Day_of_month(2) = 29
    End If

    Conter2 = M_month - 1
    Kole_roz_m = 0

    For Conter1 = 1 To Conter2
    Kole_roz_m = Kole_roz_m + Day_of_month(conter1)
    Kole_roz_m = Kole_roz_m + M_day


    If Kole_roz_m > 79 Then

    Sh_year = M_year - 621
    Kole_roz_sh = Kole_roz_m - 79


    Sh_year = M_year - 622

    Temp4 = M_year - 1
    Temp5 = M_kabise(temp4)

    If Temp5 = 0 Then
    Kole_roz_sh = Kole_roz_m + 286
    Kole_roz_sh = Kole_roz_m + 287
    End If

    End If


    Sh_month = 1

    While Kole_roz_sh > 30

    If Sh_month < 7 Then
    Kole_roz_sh = Kole_roz_sh - 31
    Kole_roz_sh = Kole_roz_sh - 30
    End If

    Incr Sh_month

    If Kole_roz_sh = 0 Then

    Decr Sh_month
    If Sh_month < 7 Then
    Sh_day = 31
    Sh_day = 30
    End If
    Sh_day = Kole_roz_sh
    End If


    Kole_roz_sh = 0

    If Sh_month > 6 Then

    Kole_roz_sh = 186
    Temp4 = Sh_month - 7
    Temp4 = Temp4 * 30
    Kole_roz_sh = Kole_roz_sh + Temp4


    Temp4 = Sh_month - 1
    Temp4 = Temp4 * 31
    Kole_roz_sh = Kole_roz_sh + Temp4

    End If
    Kole_roz_sh = Kole_roz_sh + Sh_day

    If Kole_roz_sh > 286 Then

    M_year = Sh_year + 622
    Kole_roz_m = Kole_roz_sh - 286


    M_year = Sh_year + 621
    Kole_roz_m = Kole_roz_sh + 79

    End If
    Temp5 = M_kabise(m_year)

    If Temp5 = 0 Then
    Day_of_month(2) = 28
    Day_of_month(2) = 29
    End If


    For M_month = 1 To 12

    If Kole_roz_m < 31 Then Exit For
    Kole_roz_m = Kole_roz_m - Day_of_month(m_month)


    If Kole_roz_m > Day_of_month(m_month) Then

    Kole_roz_m = Kole_roz_m - Day_of_month(conter1)
    Incr M_month

    End If

    M_day = Kole_roz_m



    Function M_kabise(byref Sal As Word)as Byte

    Local T1 As Integer
    Local T2 As Integer
    Local T3 As Integer
    Local B As Byte
    T1 = Sal Mod 4
    T2 = Sal Mod 100
    T3 = Sal Mod 400
    B = 0
    If T1 = 0 And T2 <> 0 Then
    B = 1
    End If
    If T2 = 0 And T3 = 0 Then
    B = 1
    End If
    M_kabise = B

    End Function

    Function Sh_kabise(byref Sal As Word)as Byte

    Local T1 As Integer
    Local B As Byte
    T1 = Sal Mod 33
    B = 0
    If T1 = 1 Or T1 = 5 Or T1 = 9 Or T1 = 13 Or T1 = 17 Or T1 = 22 Or _
    T1 = 26 Or T1 = 30 Then

    B = 1

    End If
    Sh_kabise = B

    End Function

    پاسخ : کمک در مورد برنامه بسکام

    وای سرم گیج رفت.
    دوسته من این که خیلی طولانیه.فکر وقتش رو کردی؟
    به سمت نور خورشيد حرکت کن،تو ميتوني تابش خورشيد رو حس کني ،حتي اگه کور باشي.
    (پيش به سوي هدف)


      پاسخ : کمک در مورد برنامه بسکام

      نوع سوالت مناسب نیست دوست عزیز
      فکر نکنم هیچ آدم بیکاری پیدا بشه برنامه رو بخونه بعد سر در بیاره که اصلا برنامه چیکار باید انجام بده و بعد و بعد
      موفق باشی
      هميشه به ياد خدا باش !


        پاسخ : کمک در مورد برنامه بسکام

        شما باید مشخص کنید که اشکال شما در کدام سطر ویا با چه دستوری است وگرنه اگه کل این را بخواهید من فکر میکنم یک کتاب 200 صفحه ای میشود


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