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مشکل در نمایش همزمان تاریخ های شمسی،میلادی،قمری

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    مشکل در نمایش همزمان تاریخ های شمسی،میلادی،قمری

    دوستان به کمکتون نیاز دارم
    یه ساعت با تقویم میخوام بسازم که ساعت تو سطر اول lcd 2*16 بمونه
    و سطر زیر تاریخ های شمسی،میلادی و قمری نشون داده بشه کسی برنامشو داره
    لطف کنه بهم بده؟تا آخرِ هفته لازمش دارم
    ممنون از همتون

    پاسخ : مشکل در نمایش همزمان تاریخ های شمسی،میلادی،قمری

    چقدر برنامه نویسی بلدید به چه زبونی ؟


      پاسخ : مشکل در نمایش همزمان تاریخ های شمسی،میلادی،قمری

      من برنامشو دارم میلادبو به شمسی تبدیل کردم اما قمری و که اصلا نتونستم بعد مشکل هم دارم تو نمایش همزمانشون به زبان بیسیک


        پاسخ : مشکل در نمایش همزمان تاریخ های شمسی،میلادی،قمری

        برنامه رو بزار


          پاسخ : مشکل در نمایش همزمان تاریخ های شمسی،میلادی،قمری

          '******************************************** **********************************

          $regfile = "m8def.dat"
          $crystal = 8000000

          Declare Function M_kabise(byref Sal As Word)as Byte

          Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portb.2 , Db5 = Portb.3 , _
          Db6 = Portb.4 , Db7 = Portb.5 , E = Portb.0 , Rs = Portb.1
          Cursor Off

          Config Sda = Portd.7
          Config Scl = Portd.6
          Const Ds1307w = &HD0
          Const Ds1307r = &HD1

          Dim _sec As Byte
          Dim _min As Byte
          Dim _hour As Byte
          Dim _year As Word
          Dim Weekday As Byte
          Dim M_day As Word
          Dim M_year As Word
          Dim M_month As Word
          Dim Kabise As Byte
          Dim Kole_roz_m As Word


          Dim Conter1 As Word
          Dim Conter2 As Word
          Dim Conter3 As Word
          Dim Conter4 As Word
          Dim Day_of_month(12) As Byte
          Day_of_month(1) = 31
          Day_of_month(2) = 28
          Day_of_month(3) = 31
          Day_of_month(4) = 30
          Day_of_month(5) = 31
          Day_of_month(6) = 30
          Day_of_month(7) = 31
          Day_of_month(8) = 31
          Day_of_month(9) = 30
          Day_of_month(10) = 31
          Day_of_month(11) = 30
          Day_of_month(12) = 31


          Dim Temp1 As Integer
          Dim Temp2 As Integer
          Dim Temp3 As Word
          Dim Temp4 As Word
          Dim Temp5 As Byte

          '----------------------- keys
          Key_menu Alias Pind.0
          Config Key_menu = Input
          Portd.0 = 1

          Key_incr Alias Pind.1
          Config Key_incr = Input
          Portd.1 = 1

          Key_decr Alias Pind.2
          Config Key_decr = Input
          Portd.2 = 1
          Dim Menu As Byte
          Dim Timer_1 As Word
          Dim S1 As String * 15
          Dim S As String * 10
          S1 = "Ahmad6870"
          Dim Blink_flag As Bit
          Dim Selection As Byte

          Locate 1 , 1 : Lcd S1
          Wait 1
          Gosub Read_date_time

          Locate 1 , 1
          Lcd "TIME: " ; _hour ; ":" ; _min ; ":" ; _sec ; " "
          Locate 2 , 1
          Lcd "DATE: " ; M_year ; "/" ; M_month ; "/" ; M_day ; " "

          '---------------------------- WAIT AND READ KEY

          For Conter1 = 1 To 40000

          If Key_menu = 0 Then

          Waitms 100

          If Key_menu = 0 Then
          Locate 1 , 1
          Lcd " MENU "
          Wait 1
          Gosub Menu
          End If

          Waitus 10

          End If




          Selection = 1

          Incr Timer_1
          If Timer_1 > 5 Then
          Timer_1 = 0
          Toggle Blink_flag
          End If

          S1 = "TIME: "
          If Selection = 1 And Blink_flag = 0 Then

          S1 = S1 + " "

          S = Str(_hour)
          S = Format(s , "00&quot
          S1 = S1 + S

          End If
          S1 = S1 + ":"
          If Selection = 2 And Blink_flag = 0 Then

          S1 = S1 + " "

          S = Str(_min)
          S = Format(s , "00&quot
          S1 = S1 + S

          End If
          S1 = S1 + ":"
          If Selection = 3 And Blink_flag = 0 Then

          S1 = S1 + " "

          S = Str(_sec)
          S = Format(s , "00&quot
          S1 = S1 + S

          End If

          Locate 1 , 1
          Lcd S1

          S1 = "DATE: "
          If Selection = 4 And Blink_flag = 0 Then

          S1 = S1 + " "

          S = Str(m_year)
          S = Format(s , "0000&quot
          S1 = S1 + S

          End If
          S1 = S1 + "/"
          If Selection = 5 And Blink_flag = 0 Then

          S1 = S1 + " "

          S = Str(m_month)
          S = Format(s , "00&quot
          S1 = S1 + S

          End If
          S1 = S1 + "/"
          If Selection = 6 And Blink_flag = 0 Then

          S1 = S1 + " "

          S = Str(m_day)
          S = Format(s , "00&quot
          S1 = S1 + S

          End If

          Locate 2 , 1
          Lcd S1

          If Key_menu = 0 Then
          Waitms 100
          If Key_menu = 0 Then Incr Selection
          End If

          If Key_incr = 0 Then
          Waitms 100
          If Key_incr = 0 Then

          If Selection = 1 Then Incr _hour
          If Selection = 2 Then Incr _min
          If Selection = 3 Then Incr _sec
          If Selection = 4 Then Incr M_year
          If Selection = 5 Then Incr M_month
          If Selection = 6 Then Incr M_day

          End If

          End If
          If Key_decr = 0 Then
          Waitms 100
          If Key_decr = 0 Then

          If Selection = 1 Then Decr _hour
          If Selection = 2 Then Decr _min
          If Selection = 3 Then Decr _sec
          If Selection = 4 Then Decr M_year
          If Selection = 5 Then Decr M_month
          If Selection = 6 Then Decr M_day

          End If

          End If

          If _hour > 100 Then _hour = 24
          If _min > 100 Then _min = 59
          If _sec > 100 Then _sec = 59

          If _hour > 24 Then _hour = 0
          If _min > 59 Then _min = 0
          If _sec > 59 Then _sec = 0
          If M_year > 1470 Then M_year = 2011
          If M_month > 12 Then M_month = 1
          If M_day > 31 Then M_day = 1

          If M_year < 2011 Then M_year = 1470
          If M_month < 1 Then M_month = 12
          If M_day < 1 Then M_day = 31

          Waitms 40

          If Selection > 6 Then Exit Do


          Locate 1 , 1
          Lcd " SAVEING"
          Wait 1
          Gosub Setdate
          Gosub Settime


          I2cstart ' Generate start code
          I2cwbyte Ds1307w ' send address
          I2cwbyte 0 ' start address in 1307
          I2cstart ' Generate start code
          I2cwbyte Ds1307r ' send address
          I2crbyte _sec , Ack
          I2crbyte _min , Ack ' MINUTES
          I2crbyte _hour , Ack ' Hours
          I2crbyte Weekday , Ack ' Day of Week
          I2crbyte M_day , Ack ' Day of Month
          I2crbyte M_month , Ack ' Month of Year
          I2crbyte _year , Nack ' Year
          _sec = Makedec(_sec) : _min = Makedec(_min) : _hour = Makedec(_hour)
          M_day = Makedec(m_day) : M_month = Makedec(m_month) : _year = Makedec(_year)
          M_year = 2000 + _year



          _year = M_year - 2000
          M_day = Makebcd(m_day) : M_month = Makebcd(m_month) : _year = Makebcd(_year)
          I2cstart ' Generate start code
          I2cwbyte Ds1307w ' send address
          I2cwbyte 4 ' starting address in 1307
          I2cwbyte M_day ' Send Data to SECONDS
          I2cwbyte M_month ' MINUTES
          I2cwbyte _year ' Hours

          _sec = Makebcd(_sec) : _min = Makebcd(_min) : _hour = Makebcd(_hour)
          I2cstart ' Generate start code
          I2cwbyte Ds1307w ' send address
          I2cwbyte 0 ' starting address in 1307
          I2cwbyte _sec ' Send Data to SECONDS
          I2cwbyte _min ' MINUTES
          I2cwbyte _hour ' Hours


          Temp5 = M_kabise(m_year)

          If Temp5 = 0 Then
          Day_of_month(2) = 28
          Day_of_month(2) = 29
          End If


          For M_month = 1 To 12

          If Kole_roz_m < 31 Then Exit For
          Kole_roz_m = Kole_roz_m - Day_of_month(m_month)


          If Kole_roz_m > Day_of_month(m_month) Then

          Kole_roz_m = Kole_roz_m - Day_of_month(conter1)
          Incr M_month

          End If

          M_day = Kole_roz_m



          Function M_kabise(byref Sal As Word)as Byte

          Local T1 As Integer
          Local T2 As Integer
          Local T3 As Integer
          Local B As Byte
          T1 = Sal Mod 4
          T2 = Sal Mod 100
          T3 = Sal Mod 400
          B = 0
          If T1 = 0 And T2 <> 0 Then
          B = 1
          End If
          If T2 = 0 And T3 = 0 Then
          B = 1
          End If
          M_kabise = B

          End Function
          این برنامه تاریخ میلادیه شمسیم دارم لازمه بزارم اونم؟


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