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کمک در مورد این برنامه

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    کمک در مورد این برنامه


    من تو این برنامه که یک برنامه gridworld است مشکل دارم چون وقتی تو متلب کپی میکنم از همون خط اول مشکل میگیره خواهشا یه کمکی برسونید .(مثلا تو متلب میگه که defvarرو نمیشناسه )
    (defvar V)
    (defvar VV)
    (defvar rows)
    (defvar columns)
    (defvar states)
    (defvar AA)
    (defvar BB)
    (defvar AAprime)
    (defvar BBprime)
    (defvar gamma 0.9)
    (defun setup ()
     (setq rows 5)
     (setq columns 5)
     (setq states 25)
     (setq AA (state-from-xy 1 0))
     (setq BB (state-from-xy 3 0))
     (setq AAprime (state-from-xy 1 4))
     (setq BBprime (state-from-xy 3 2))
     (setq V (make-array states :initial-element 0.0))
     (setq VV (make-array (list rows columns)))
    (defun compute-V ()
     (loop for delta = (loop for x below states
                 for old-V = (aref V x)
                 do (setf (aref V x)
                      (mean (loop for a below 4 collect
                            (full-backup x a))))
                 sum (abs (- old-V (aref V x))))
        until (< delta 0.000001))
     (loop for state below states do 
        (multiple-value-bind (x y) (xy-from-state state)
         (setf (aref VV y x) (aref V state))))
     (sfa VV))
    (defun compute-V* ()
     (loop for delta = (loop for x below states
                 for old-V = (aref V x)
                 do (setf (aref V x)
                      (loop for a below 4 maximize
                            (full-backup x a)))
                 sum (abs (- old-V (aref V x))))
        until (< delta 0.000001))
     (loop for state below states do 
        (multiple-value-bind (x y) (xy-from-state state)
         (setf (aref VV y x) (aref V state))))
     (sfa VV))
    (defun sfa (array)
     "Show Floating-Point Array"
     (cond ((= 1 (array-rank array))
         (loop for e across array do (format t "~5,1F" e)))
        (t (loop for i below (array-dimension array 0) do
             (format t "~%")
             (loop for j below (array-dimension array 1) do
                (format t "~5,1F" (aref array i j)))))))
    (defun full-backup (x a)
     (let (r y)
      (cond ((= x AA)
          (setq r +10)
          (setq y AAprime))
         ((= x BB)
          (setq r +5)
          (setq y BBprime))
         ((off-grid x a)
          (setq r -1)
          (setq y x))
          (setq r 0)
          (setq y (next-state x a))))
      (+ r (* gamma (aref V y)))))
    (defun off-grid (state a)
     (multiple-value-bind (x y) (xy-from-state state)
      (case a
       (0 (incf y) (>= y rows))
       (1 (incf x) (>= x columns))
       (2 (decf y) (< y 0))
       (3 (decf x) (< x 0)))))
    (defun next-state (state a)
     (multiple-value-bind (x y) (xy-from-state state)
      (case a
       (0 (incf y))
       (1 (incf x))
       (2 (decf y))
       (3 (decf x)))
      (state-from-xy x y)))
    (defun state-from-xy (x y)
       (+ y (* x columns)))
    (defun xy-from-state (state)
     (truncate state columns))

    پاسخ : کمک در مورد این برنامه

    برنامه شما به زبان متلب نوشته نشده!
    لینک زیر رو ببین:
    ابتداش توضیح داده که کدهاش به چه زبونیه
    و چه طوری باید اجرا بشه
    خوشبختانه در انتهاش گفته که برخی از کدهای متلب مثالها هم موجوده
    و خودش لینک زیر رو معرفی کرده:
    1: اللهم صل علي محمد و آل محمد و عجل فرجهم و ...
    2: دانش بهتره يا ثروت؟ بدون شعور هيچکدوم!
    3: دلا معاش چنان کن که گر بلغزد پاي *** فرشته‌ات به دو دست دعا نگه دارد (حافظ)


      پاسخ : کمک در مورد این برنامه

      خیلی ممنون از اینکه پاسخ دادید
      اگه میشه این برنامه رو یه تو ضیحی بدید
      function [V] = iter_poly_gw_not_inplace()
      % ITER_POLY_GW - Performs iterative policy evaluation on the state-value function for the grid world example.
      % Iterate Bellman equation: 
      % V(s) <- \sum_a \pi(s,a) \sum_{s'} P_{s,s'}^a (R_{s,s'}^a + \gamma V(s'))
      % Iterations are not performed in place (i.e. we have two arrays and copy
      % between them) 
      % where the policy is uniform random steps in either direction. 
      % See ePage 253 in the Sutton book.
      % Written by:
      % -- 
      % John L. Weatherwax        2007-12-03
      % email: wax@alum.mit.edu
      % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the
      % above email address.
      %gamma = 0.9; 
      gamma = 1;  % <- take this is an undiscounted task 
      sideL = 4; 
      nGrids = sideL^2; 
      % An array to hold the values of the state-value function 
      % (the elements 1 and 16 are place holders i.e. not used):
      Vp = zeros(sideL);
      Vc = zeros(sideL);
      % some parameters for convergence: 
      MAX_N_ITERS = 1000; iterCnt = 0; 
      CONV_TOL  = 1e-4; delta = 1e10; 
      % a uniform policy: 
      pol_pi = 0.25; 
      while( (delta > CONV_TOL) && (iterCnt <= MAX_N_ITERS) ) 
       delta = 0; 
       % update states in the order one indexes matrices
       % states (1,1) and (4,4) are terminal states
       for ii=1:sideL,
        for jj=1:sideL,
         if( (ii==1 && jj==1) || (ii==sideL && jj==sideL) ) continue; end 
         v   = Vp(ii,jj); 
         v_tmp = 0.0; 
         % loop over each possible action {up,down,right,left}: 
         % action = UP
         if( ii==1 )        % s is ON the top row ... this action does not change our position 
          v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( -1 + gamma*Vp(ii,jj) ); 
         elseif( ii==2 && jj==1 )  % s is NOT on the top row but will step into a terminal state (reward is zero)
          %v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( 0 + gamma*Vp(ii-1,jj) ); 
          v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( -1 + gamma*Vp(ii-1,jj) ); 
         else            % s is NOT on the top row ... this action moves us up
          v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( -1 + gamma*Vp(ii-1,jj) ); 
         % action = DOWN
         if( ii==sideL )          % s is ON the bottom row ... this action does not change our position 
          v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( -1 + gamma*Vp(ii,jj) ); 
         elseif( ii==sideL-1 && jj==sideL ) % s is NOT on the bottom row but will step into a terminal state (reward is zero) 
          %v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( 0 + gamma*Vp(ii+1,jj) ); 
          v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( -1 + gamma*Vp(ii+1,jj) ); 
         else                % s is NOT on the bottom row ... this action moves us down
          v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( -1 + gamma*Vp(ii+1,jj) ); 
         % action = RIGHT
         if( jj==sideL )           % s is ON the right most column ... this action does not change our position 
          v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( -1 + gamma*Vp(ii,jj) ); 
         elseif( jj==sideL-1 && ii==sideL ) % s is NOT on the right most column but will step into a terminal position (reward is zero) 
          %v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( 0 + gamma*Vp(ii,jj+1) ); 
          v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( -1 + gamma*Vp(ii,jj+1) ); 
         else                % s is NOT on the right most column ... this action moves us right
          v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( -1 + gamma*Vp(ii,jj+1) ); 
         % action = LEFT 
         if( jj==1 )              % s is ON the left most column ... this action does not change our position 
          v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( -1 + gamma*Vp(ii,jj) ); 
         elseif( jj==2 && ii==1 )       % s is NOT on the left most column but this action will move us into a termial position (reward is zero)
          %v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( 0 + gamma*Vp(ii,jj-1) ); 
          v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( -1 + gamma*Vp(ii,jj-1) ); 
         else                 % s is NOT on the left most column ... this action moves us left 
          v_tmp = v_tmp + pol_pi*( -1 + gamma*Vp(ii,jj-1) ); 
         % update Vc(ii,jj): 
         Vc(ii,jj) = v_tmp; 
         delta = max( [ delta, abs( v-Vc(ii,jj) ) ] ); 
        end % jj loop 
       end % ii loop 
       % overwrite previous with current: 
       Vp = Vc; 
       % lets print the iterations if desired: 
       if( 0 && mod(iterCnt,1)==0 )
        fprintf( 'iterCnt (k)=%5d; delta=%10.5f\n', iterCnt, delta ); 
        %disp( fix(Vc*10)/10 ); % <- just display ONE decimal 
        disp( round(Vc*10)/10 ); % <- just display ONE decimal 
      end % while loop 
      V = Vc;


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