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آموزش کار با MMC از طریق FAT سایت یزد کیت

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    آموزش کار با MMC از طریق FAT سایت یزد کیت

    سلام دوستان
    لطفا اگر کسی آموزش های سایت یزد کیت راجب mmc را داره واسه دانلود بزاره لینک های دانلود تو سایت یزد کیت هم مشکل داره
    ممنون میشم اگر کمک کنید
    نخستین گام در شناخت، این است که بدانیم نادانیم

    پاسخ : آموزش کار با MMC از طریق FAT سایت یزد کیت

    این لینک هم هست که مرجعش یزد کیته :biggrin: : http://avrprojects.info/avr-projects...sed-wav-player

    ولی مرجع اصلی این کد اینه که کامل تر هم هست :agree: :read: :

    Program: MMC.BAS written using Bascom-AVR ver
    ' Basic program to interface with a MMC module using the SPI protocol.
    '         BETA CODE
    '   **** NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE *****
    '      Ver. 0.0.1 May, 2002
    ' Project Reference: MMC-M163
    ' MCU: Atmel Mega163
    ' Software: Bascom-AVR ver
    ' Atmel Programmer: STK500 development board set at 3.3v.
    '          ISP and terminal output
    ' Note: By changing the XTAL config to 4Mhz it can be used with the AVR-M boards
    ' Initial Date: May 18, 2002
    ' Projected Completion Date: Unknown
    ' Author: Ranjit Diol
    '     rsdiol@compsys1.com
    '     http://www.compsys1.com/workbench
    '           (c) COMPSys, 2002
    '           All Rights Reserved
    '  DISCLAIMER: This file is being released as non-commericial
    '  software. It is being provided "AS IS", neither the author,
    '  nor COMPSys shall be held liable for any damages caused
    '  by its use either directly or indirectly in any form or manner.
    'Brief: The MMC is a 3volt part therefore all data lines
    '    must be conditioned if interfacing with a 5v mcu.
    '    Or, a 3.3v MCU can be used such as the AT103L or the AT90LS8535
    '    In SPI mode the MMC's minimum block size is 512 bytes
    '    therefore data has to be accumulated first either in an eeprom
    '    or in memory before sending it out as a chunk of 512 bytes.
    '    MMC pins in SPI mode:
    '      Pin1:ChipSelect(SS),Pin2:MMC input(MOSI),Pin3:GND,Pin4:3V+,
    '      Pin5:Clock(SCK), Pin6:GND, Pin7:MMC output(MISO)
    '    M163 pins:
    '      Portb.4 SS
    '      Portb.5 MISO
    '      Portb.6 MOSI
    '      Portb.7 SCK
    $regfile = "m163def.dat"                  'MCU
    '$crystal = 3690000                     'Set for STK500
    $crystal = 4000000                     'For AVR-M controller board
    'Aux RS232 port on STK500 used
    'Hardware RX,TX pins PD0,PD1 used
    'Baud 19200
    $baud = 19200
    'Configure for software SPI
    '          MISO      MOSI       SS       SCK
    Config Spi = Soft , Din = Pinb.6 , Dout = Portb.5 , Ss = Portb.4 , Clock = Portb.7
    Ddrb = &B10111111
    Const Msbl = 0
    Const Msbh = 1
    Const Dly = 2
    Const Bits8 = 8
    Const Bits16 = 16
    Const Bits32 = 32
    Dim Res(16) As Byte
    Dim Indat(512) As Byte                   'Memory buffer for temp storage.
    Dim Dat As Byte
    Dim Resp As Byte
    Dim Resp2 As Word
    Dim I As Word
    Dim J As Word
    Dim X As Byte
    Dim Y As Byte
    Dim K As Byte
    Dim Bout As Byte
    Dim Addr1 As Byte
    Dim Addr2 As Byte
    Dim Addr3 As Byte
    Dim Addr4 As Byte
    Dim Addr As Long
    Dim Saddr As Long
    Dim Eaddr As Long
    Dim W_key As String * 1
    Dim Maddr1 As Long
    Dim Maddr2 As Long
    Dim Chkres As Byte
    Dim Rbytes As Word
    Dim Chr As String * 1
    Cs Alias Portb.4
    Clk Alias Portb.7
    Miso Alias Pinb.6                      'inp
    Mosi Alias Portb.5                     'out                   'out
    Declare Sub Mprint
    Declare Sub Minit
    Declare Sub Mstatus
    'Declare Sub Mwrite(byval Bout As Byte , Byval Addr As Long )
    Declare Sub Mwrite(byval Maddr1 As Long , Byval Maddr2 As Long)
    Declare Sub Mread(byval Rbytes As Word , Byval Addr As Long )
    Declare Sub Merase(byval Saddr As Long , Byval Eaddr As Long)
    Declare Sub Getk
    Declare Sub Chkresp(byval Chkres As Byte)
    Declare Sub Ld_array
    Waitms 300
    '******** MAIN PROGRAM *************
                             'First Ascii Character
    Print "   MMC Simple Test Program"
    Print "  written in BascomAVR 11.11.66"
    Print "COMPSys http://www.compsys1.com/workbench"
    Print "    (c) COMPSys 2002"
    Print "========================================="
    Print "This program will initialize and then"
    Print "erase a portion of the MMC and will then"
    Print "write ASCII characters.Finally, it will"
    Print "read the characters stored"
    Gosub Getk
    Print "Initializing MMC"
    'Initialize the MMCC
    Print "Erase from &H0000 to &H01FF"
    Gosub Getk
    'Call Erase Subroutine Enter Startaddr , Endaddr
    Merase &H00000000 , &H000001FF
    Print "Erased! Now read the erased portion"
    Gosub Getk
    Print "Reading:"
    'Call read sub from 512 from address are put in array INDAT
    Mread 512 , &H00000000
    For I = 1 To 512
      K = Indat(i)
      Print K;
    Next I
    Print "Fill &H0000 to &H01FF with ASCII characters"
    Gosub Getk
    'Load the ASCII chars into the array
    'call write subroutine as: maddr1, maddr2 32bit addresses
    'data which is loaded in the INDAT array is written
    Mwrite &H00000000 , &H000001FF
    Print "512 Chars written, now read them back"
    Gosub Getk
    'Call read sub from 512 from address are put in array INDAT
    Mread 512 , &H00000000
    'The array is now loaded
    'Call print sub print 512 bytes stored in INDAT array
    Print "End of MMC test"
    Set Cs
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Goto Endloop
    End                             'end program
    '************ END OF PROGRAM **************
    '======= SUB ROUTINES AND FUNCTIONS =======
    Sub Minit
    Set Cs
    Dat = &HFF
    For I = 1 To 10
     Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Next I
    Resp = 255
    Reset Cs
    Dat = &H40
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Addr = &H00000000
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Addr , Msbl
    Dat = &H95
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Chkresp &H01
    'For debugging
    'Lcd "C0:" ; Hex(resp)
    Set Cs
    Waitms 50
    Reset Cs
    Dat = &HFF
    'If it does not initialize correctly
    'it will hang in the following loop
    While Resp <> &H00
    Set Cs
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Shiftin Miso , Clk , Resp , Msbl
    Reset Cs
    Dat = &H41
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Addr = 0
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Addr , Msbl
    Dat = &HFF
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Shiftin Miso , Clk , Resp , Msbl
    Dat = &HFF
    Set Cs
    'For debugging
    'Lcd "C1:" ; Hex(resp)
    Print "MMC initialized"
    End Sub
    '**** READ routine assumes ADDR uses Status subroutine *****
    Sub Mread(byval Addr As Long)
    Set Cs
    Dat = &HFF
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Shiftin Miso , Clk , Resp , Msbl
    Reset Cs
    Dat = &H51
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Addr , Msbl
    Dat = &HFF
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Shiftin Miso , Clk , Resp , Msbl
    'While Resp <> 0
    'Shiftin Miso , Clk , Resp , Msbl
    Chkresp &H00
    'While Resp <> &HFE
     'Shiftin Miso , Clk , Resp , Msbl
    Chkresp &HFE
    'For debugging
    'Lcd Hex(resp)
    For I = 1 To 512
      Shiftin Miso , Clk , Resp , Msbl
      Indat(i) = Resp
      'For debugging
      'Lcd Hex(resp);
    Next I
    Shiftin Miso , Clk , Resp , Msbl
    Shiftin Miso , Clk , Resp , Msbl
    Set Cs
    End Sub
    '****Block Start Tag / End Tag and ERASE ****
    Sub Merase(byval Saddr As Long , Byval Eaddr As Long)
    'Erase first 1024 bytes
    'Block START TAG
    Set Cs
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Shiftin Miso , Clk , Resp , Msbl
    Reset Cs
    Dat = &H60
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Saddr , Msbl
    Dat = &HFF
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Shiftin Miso , Clk , Resp , Msbl
    Chkresp &H00
    'Block END TAG
    Set Cs
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Shiftin Miso , Clk , Resp , Msbl
    Reset Cs
    Dat = &H61
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Eaddr , Msbl
    Dat = &HFF
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Shiftin Miso , Clk , Resp , Msbl
    Chkresp &H00
    Set Cs
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Shiftin Miso , Clk , Resp , Msbl
    Reset Cs
    Dat = &H66
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Addr = 0
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Addr , Msbl
    Dat = &HFF
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Shiftin Miso , Clk , Resp , Msbl
    Chkresp &H00
    End Sub
    '** WRITE Routine assumes ADDR, BOUT uses Status subroutine **
    'Sub Mwrite(byval Bout As Byte , Byval Addr As Long)
    Sub Mwrite(byval Maddr1 As Long , Byval Maddr2 As Long)
    Set Cs
    Dat = &HFF
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Shiftin Miso , Clk , Resp , Msbl
    Reset Cs
    Dat = &H58
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Maddr1 , Msbl
    Dat = &HFF
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Shiftin Miso , Clk , Resp , Msbl
    Chkresp &H00
    'For debugging
    'Lcd "C24:" ; Hex(resp)
    'Send data token
    Dat = &HFE
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    'For I = Maddr1 To Maddr2
    For I = 1 To 512
      Dat = Indat(i)
      Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Next I
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Shiftin Miso , Clk , Resp , Msbl
    'If Y = &H05 write is a success
    Y = Resp And &H0F
    'If Resp = 0 the MMC is busy
    Shiftin Miso , Clk , Resp , Msbl
    Chkresp &H00
    'For debugging
    'Lcd "Wr:" ; Hex(y)
    Set Cs
    End Sub
    'Get MMC Status
    Sub Mstatus
    Set Cs
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Shiftin Miso , Clk , Resp , Msbl
    Reset Cs
    Dat = &H4D
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Addr = 0
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Addr , Msbl
    Dat = &HFF
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Shiftout Mosi , Clk , Dat , Msbl
    Shiftin Miso , Clk , Resp2 , Msbl
    'For debugging
    'lcd "Status:" ; Hex(resp2)
    Set Cs
    End Sub
    'Display data in the array
    Sub Mprint
    For I = 1 To 512
    Dat = Indat(i)
    Chr = Chr(dat)
    Print Chr ;
    End Sub
    Sub Getk
    Print "Press any key to continue...."
    W_key = Waitkey()
    End Sub
    Sub Chkresp(byval Chkres As Byte)
    'NOTE:If the addr is incorrect it will
    'never exit the following loop!
    'You may want to loop it approx 255 times
    'and then if it fails go to an error routine
    While Resp <> Chkres
    Shiftin Miso , Clk , Resp , Msbl
    End Sub
    Sub Ld_array
    K = &H21
    For I = 1 To 512
    Indat(i) = K
    Incr K
    If K > &H7E Then K = &H21
    Next I
    End Sub


      پاسخ : آموزش کار با MMC از طریق FAT سایت یزد کیت

      سلام دوست عزیز من این آموزش ها رو میخوام اگر دارید لطفا پ کنید
      نخستین گام در شناخت، این است که بدانیم نادانیم


        پاسخ : آموزش کار با MMC از طریق FAT سایت یزد کیت

        نوشته اصلی توسط Morteza.R
        سلام دوست عزیز من این آموزش ها رو میخوام اگر دارید لطفا پ کنید
        خدمت شما این هم لینک : اما تقاضایی که دارم بنده LCD نوکیا را با بسکام راه انداختم من با C کار میکنم نتونستم با C راهش بندازم کسی رو یا خودت میتونی کمک کنی -O<
        برای تغییر دادن در زندگی اول باید خودم تغییر کنم نه دیگران!
        یک اشتباه جدید در زندگی بهتر از تکرار اشتباه قبلی است .


          پاسخ : آموزش کار با MMC از طریق FAT سایت یزد کیت

          سلام دوست من
          تشکر بابت فایل ها ای کاش میتونستم جبران کنم اما بنده به زبان سی کار نکردم
          ی سری به این لینک بزن شاید بدردت خورد
          نخستین گام در شناخت، این است که بدانیم نادانیم


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