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ذخیره داده در حافظه

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    ذخیره داده در حافظه

    سلام دوستان کد پایین رو در محیط بسکام نوشتم. این برنامه چهار نوع داده اعم از سه داده مربوط به شتاب سنج و یک داده ضربان قلب رو در حافظه mmc در فایل تکست ذخیره می کنه اما فقط یک سطر از داده ها رو نشون میده. من میخوام که حداقل 200 تا داده بگیرم اما نمیشه ممنون میشم راهنماییم کنید.

    دریافت داده به این صورت: 56 200 322 178
    سه ستون اول سمت چپ سه داده شتاب و ستون چهارم داده ضربان قلب است.
    $regfile = "m32def.dat"
    $crystal = 8000000
    $baud = 38400
    $swstack = 32
    $hwstack = 64
    $framesize = 64
    Enable Interrupts
    $include "CONFIG_AVR-DOS.Bas"
    $include "config_mmc.bas"
    Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portc.2 , Db5 = Portc.1 , Db6 = Portc.0 , _
    Db7 = Portd.7 , E = Portc.3 , Rs = Portc.5
    Config Lcd = 16 * 2
    Cls : Cursor Off
    Config Adc = Single , Prescaler = Auto
    Deflcdchar 0 , 24 , 24 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32
    Dim Conter As Byte
    Conter = 0
    Dim X(5) As Integer
    Dim Y(5) As Integer
    Dim Z(5) As Integer
    Dim A1 As Byte
    Dim Integert As Integer
    Dim Singlee As Single
    Dim Stringg As String * 10
    Dim X_manfi As Integer
    Dim Y_manfi As Integer
    Dim Z_manfi As Integer
    Dim A As Byte
    Dim B As Word
    Dim C As Byte
    Config Pind.1 = Input : Start_sw Alias Pind.1
    Config Pind.0 = Input : Sensor Alias Pind.0
    Config Pinb.0 = Input : Key_x Alias Pinb.0
    Config Pinb.1 = Input : Key_y Alias Pinb.1
    Config Pinb.2 = Input : Key_z Alias Pinb.2
    Config Pinb.3 = Input : Key_reset Alias Pinb.3
    Enable Interrupts
    X_manfi = 0
    Y_manfi = 0
    Z_manfi = 0
    If Conter > 5 Then
      Lcd " error !!! "
      Waitms 500
    End If
    Incr Conter
    '--------------------------------- CHECK MMC
    Lcd " RESET MMC"
    Waitms 500
    If Drivecheck() <> 0 Then
      Locate 1 , 1
      Lcd "not ready to use … "
      Waitms 500
      Gosub Again
    End If
    '---------------------------------- INIT DRIVE
    If Driveinit() <> 0 Then
      Locate 1 , 1
      Lcd "not inserted "
      Waitms 500
      Gosub Again
    End If
    Locate 1 , 1
    Lcd "mmc init... OK"
    Wait 1
    '---------------------------------- CHECK FILE SYSTEM
    If Initfilesystem(1) <> 0 Then
      Locate 1 , 1
      Lcd " not supported "
      Wait 1
      Gosub Again
    End If
      Locate 1 , 5
      Lcd "Welcome"
      Locate 2 , 3
      Lcd "Press Start"
      Loop Until Pind.1 = 0
      Enable Interrupts
      Config Clock = Soft
      Time$ = "00:00:00"
      Locate 1 , 4
      Lcd Time$
      If Time$ = "00:00:10" Then
      C = 10
      End If
      Locate 2 , 3
      Lcd "Please Wait"
      Debounce Pind.0 , 1 , Ok_button
    Loop Until C = 10
      Locate 1 , 3
      Lcd "Heartbeat:" ; B
      If B <= 60 Then
      Locate 2 , 3
      Lcd "Mood:Low" ; "     "
      End If
      If B => 100 Then
      Locate 2 , 3
      Lcd "Mood:High" ; "     "
      End If
      If 60 < B And B < 100 Then
      Locate 2 , 3
      Lcd "Mood:Normal" ; "     "
      End If
      Portd.0 = 1
      ' adxl****************************"
      If Key_reset = 0 Then
    Lcd "RESET X,Y,Z"
    X_manfi = 0
    Y_manfi = 0
    Z_manfi = 0
      Do : Loop Until Key_reset = 1
    End If
    Integert = 0
    For A1 = 1 To 100
    X(1) = Getadc(0)
    Waitus 100
    Integert = Integert + X(1)
    X(1) = Integert / 100
    Integert = 0
    For A1 = 1 To 100
    X(2) = Getadc(0)
    Waitus 100
    Integert = Integert + X(2)
    X(2) = Integert / 100
    Integert = 0
    For A1 = 1 To 100
    X(3) = Getadc(0)
    Waitus 100
    Integert = Integert + X(3)
    X(3) = Integert / 100
    Integert = 0
    For A1 = 1 To 100
    X(4) = Getadc(0)
    Waitus 100
    Integert = Integert + X(4)
    X(4) = Integert / 100
    X(5) = 0
    X(5) = X(1)
    X(5) = X(5) + X(2)
    X(5) = X(5) + X(3)
    X(5) = X(5) + X(4)
    X(5) = X(5) / 4
    X(5) = X(5) - X_manfi
    X(5) = X(5) - 10
    If Key_x = 0 Then
    X_manfi = X(5)
    Locate 1 , 1 : Lcd "X= --- "
       Do : Loop Until Key_x = 1
    End If
    Locate 1 , 1
     X(5) = X(5) - 324
    Lcd "X=" ; X(5) ; "  "                  'Stringg ; "   "
    Integert = 0
    For A1 = 1 To 100
    Y(1) = Getadc(1)
    Waitus 100
    Integert = Integert + Y(1)
    Y(1) = Integert / 100
    Integert = 0
    For A1 = 1 To 100
    Y(2) = Getadc(1)
    Waitus 100
    Integert = Integert + Y(2)
    Y(2) = Integert / 100
    Integert = 0
    For A1 = 1 To 100
    Y(3) = Getadc(1)
    Waitus 100
    Integert = Integert + Y(3)
    Y(3) = Integert / 100
    Integert = 0
    For A1 = 1 To 100
    Y(4) = Getadc(1)
    Waitus 100
    Integert = Integert + Y(4)
    Y(4) = Integert / 100
    Y(5) = 0
    Y(5) = Y(1)
    Y(5) = Y(5) + Y(2)
    Y(5) = Y(5) + Y(3)
    Y(5) = Y(5) + Y(4)
    Y(5) = Y(5) / 4
    Y(5) = Y(5) - Y_manfi
    If Key_y = 0 Then
    Y_manfi = Y(5)
    Locate 2 , 1 : Lcd "Y= ---"
       Do : Loop Until Key_y = 1
    End If
    Locate 2 , 1
    Y(5) = Y(5) - 337
    Lcd "Y=" ; Y(5) ; "  "                  ' Stringg ; "   "
    Integert = 0
    For A1 = 1 To 100
    Z(1) = Getadc(2)
    Waitus 100
    Integert = Integert + Z(1)
    Z(1) = Integert / 100
    Integert = 0
    For A1 = 1 To 100
    Z(2) = Getadc(2)
    Waitus 100
    Integert = Integert + Z(2)
    Z(2) = Integert / 100
    Integert = 0
    For A1 = 1 To 100
    Z(3) = Getadc(2)
    Waitus 100
    Integert = Integert + Z(3)
    Z(3) = Integert / 100
    Integert = 0
    For A1 = 1 To 100
    Z(4) = Getadc(2)
    Waitus 100
    Integert = Integert + Z(4)
    Z(4) = Integert / 100
    Z(5) = 0
    Z(5) = Z(1)
    Z(5) = Z(5) + Z(2)
    Z(5) = Z(5) + Z(3)
    Z(5) = Z(5) + Z(4)
    Z(5) = Z(5) / 4
    Z(5) = Z(5) - Z_manfi
    If Key_z = 0 Then
    Z_manfi = Z(5)
    Locate 1 , 10 : Lcd "Z= ---"
       Do : Loop Until Key_z = 1
    End If
    Locate 1 , 10
     Z(5) = Z(5) - 416
    Lcd "Z=" ; Z(5) ; "   "
      ' mmc****************************"
      Locate 1 , 1 : Lcd "ok"
      Locate 2 , 1
      Lcd "mmcsize : " ; Disksize() ; " bytes"
      Wait 5
      Dim S As String * 30
      Dim S1 As String * 30
      Dim S2 As String * 30
      Dim S3 As String * 30
      Dim S4 As String * 30
      Dim Filename As String * 20
      Filename = "temp.txt"
      Open Filename For Output As #1
      Waitms 1
      Dim Num As Word
      Dim Temp As String * 15
      'S = " ****************************"
      'Printeger #1 , S
     ' PrInteger #1 , " file 1 :"
     ' PrInteger #1 , " lm35=temperature_sensor"
      'PrInteger #1 , " new but best 1394***"
     ' PrInteger #1 , " ****************"
     ' PrInteger #1 , " end of write in file "
      Num = Getadc(4)
      Num = Num / 2
      S = Str(num)
      S1 = Str(b)
      S2 = Str(x(5))
      S3 = Str(y(5))
       S4 = Str(z(5))
      Locate 1 , 1 : Lcd "tem=" ; S ; Chr(0) ; "c"
      Locate 1 , 10 : Lcd "pulse=" ; S1
      Locate 2 , 1 : Lcd "x=" ; S2
      Locate 2 , 6 : Lcd "y=" ; S3
       Locate 2 , 11 : Lcd "z=" ; S4
      Waitms 500
     ' Print #1 , "temp : " ; S ; " c "
      'Print #1 , "pulse : " ; S1
     ' Print #1 , "z : " ; S2
      ' Print #1 , "y : " ; S3
      'Print #1 , "x : " ; S4
      Print #1 , S1 ; " " ; S2 ; " " ; S3 ; " " ; S4
      'Print #1 , S1 ; " " ; S2 ; " " ; S3 ; " " ; S4
      Close #1
      Waitms 100
      Print "-----------------------------------"
      Open "TEST.TXT" For Input As #2
      Line Input #2 , S
        Print S
        Locate 1 , 1
        Lcd "temperature=" ; S ; Chr(0) ; "c"
        Waitms 500
      Loop Until Eof(#2 ) <> 0
      Close #2
       Print "-----------------------------------"
    Incr A
    B = A * 4
    Goto Program_start

    پاسخ : ذخیره داده در حافظه

    با بسکام کار نکردم ولی من آخر هر چی که میخواستم روی رم ذخیره بشه یه اینتر هم میذاشتم تا بره خط بعد و داده بعدی رو ذخیره کنه.


      پاسخ : ذخیره داده در حافظه

      ممنون از راهنماییتون اما توی محیط بسکام فکر نکنم کدی داشته باشه که بشه اینتر رو نوشت


        پاسخ : ذخیره داده در حافظه

        منظور از اینتر همون کد اسکی اینتر بود.
        یعنی 13


          پاسخ : ذخیره داده در حافظه

          بله درسته انتهای هر رشته Ch(13) رو اضافه کردم اما درست نشد


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