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تبدیل کد از مگا16 به مگا8 (بیسیک)

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    تبدیل کد از مگا16 به مگا8 (بیسیک)

    با سلام
    من یک تیکه کد دارم برای سنسور dht22 که برای ای سی مگا16 برنامه ریزی شده است و الان میخوام پین هاش را طوری تغییر بدهم که روی ای سی مگا8 کار کنه یک سری تغییرات در مورد پورت های ورودی و خروجی دادم ولی تاثیری نداشت! لطفا راهنمایی کنید!

    کد اصلی برنامه:
    $regfile = "m16def.dat"
    $crystal = 8000000                     'Const Min_time = 48
    '$crystal = 16000000                     'Const Min_time = 95
    '$crystal = 11059200                     'Const Min_time = 66
    Config Pind.0 = Input                    'DHT22 Data
    Config Timer0 = Timer , Prescale = 8
    'Const Min_time = 95
    Const Min_time = 48
    'Const Min_time = 66
    Dim Count As Byte
    Dim Signaltime(43) As Byte
    Dim Humidityw As Word
    Dim Temperaturew As Word
    Dim Humsens_chksum As Byte
    Dim Humiditys As String * 16
    Dim Temperatures As String * 16
    Dim Strstring As String * 14
    Dim Ib As Byte
    Config Lcd = 16 * 2
    Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Pina.2 , Db5 = Pina.3 , Db6 = Pina.4 , Db7 = Pina.5 , E = Pina.1 , Rs = Pina.0
    Cursor Off
    Deflcdchar 0 , 14 , 10 , 14 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32    ' replace ? with number (0-7)
    Declare Sub Read_timings
    Declare Sub Humtemp_values
    Declare Function Compare_chksum(byval Hsens_humidity As Word , _
    Byval Hsens_temperature As Word , Byval Hsens_chksum As Byte) As Byte
     Call Humtemp_values
      Humiditys = Str(humidityw)
      Temperatures = Str(temperaturew)
     Locate 1 , 1
     Lcd "Humidity:" ; Format(humiditys , "0.0") ; " %   "
     Lcd "Temp:" ; Format(temperatures , "0.0") : Lcd " " : Lcd Chr(0) : Lcd "C"
     Waitms 100
    Sub Read_timings
      Wait 3
      Count = 1
      Config Pind.0 = Output : Portd.0 = 0           ' request data
      Waitms 20                        ' wait 20 ms
      Config Pind.0 = Input                  ' wait for data, receive data
      While Count < 43                     'collect 42 timings / signals
       Bitwait Pind.0 , Set                 'signal goes high > start timer
       Start Timer0
       Bitwait Pind.0 , Reset                'signal goes low > stop timer
       Stop Timer0
       Signaltime(count) = Tcnt0               'store number of ticks per signal in Signaltime byte
       Tcnt0 = 0
       Incr Count
    End Sub
    '############################################## Humidity and temperature values
    Sub Humtemp_values
      Local X As Byte
      Humidityw = 0
      Temperaturew = 0
      Humsens_chksum = 0
      Call Read_timings
      For Count = 3 To 42                   ' skip first two
       Select Case Count
         Case 3 To 18
          X = 18 - Count
          If Signaltime(count) > Min_time Then Toggle Humidityw.x
         Case 19 To 34
          X = 34 - Count
          If Signaltime(count) > Min_time Then Toggle Temperaturew.x
         Case 34 To 42
          X = 42 - Count
          If Signaltime(count) > Min_time Then Toggle Humsens_chksum.x
       End Select
    End Sub
    '######################### Calculate Checksum and compare with trasnmitted value
    Function Compare_chksum(byval Hsens_humidity As Word , Byval Hsens_temperature As Word , Byval Hsens_chksum As Byte) As Byte
      Local Chksum As Byte
      Chksum = Low(hsens_humidity ) + High(hsens_humidity )
      Chksum = Chksum + Low(hsens_temperature)
      Chksum = Chksum + High(hsens_temperature)
      If Chksum = Hsens_chksum Then
       Compare_chksum = 1
       Compare_chksum = 0
      End If
    End Function
    کد تغییر داده شده: طبق شماتیک مدار (مگا8)

     $regfile = "m8def.dat"
    $crystal = 8000000                     'Const Min_time = 48
    '$crystal = 16000000                     'Const Min_time = 95
    '$crystal = 11059200                     'Const Min_time = 66
    Config Pind.6 = Input                    'DHT22 Data
    Config Timer0 = Timer , Prescale = 8
    'Const Min_time = 95
    Const Min_time = 48
    'Const Min_time = 66
    Dim Count As Byte
    Dim Signaltime(43) As Byte
    Dim Humidityw As Word
    Dim Temperaturew As Word
    Dim Humsens_chksum As Byte
    Dim Humiditys As String * 16
    Dim Temperatures As String * 16
    Dim Strstring As String * 14
    Dim Ib As Byte
    Config Lcd = 16 * 2
    Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Pinb.4 , Db5 = Pinb.5 , Db6 = Pinb.6 , Db7 = Pinb.7 , E = Pinb.2 , Rs = Pinb.0
    Cursor Off
    Deflcdchar 0 , 14 , 10 , 14 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32    ' replace ? with number (0-7)
    Declare Sub Read_timings
    Declare Sub Humtemp_values
    Declare Function Compare_chksum(byval Hsens_humidity As Word , _
    Byval Hsens_temperature As Word , Byval Hsens_chksum As Byte) As Byte
     Call Humtemp_values
      Humiditys = Str(humidityw)
      Temperatures = Str(temperaturew)
     Locate 1 , 1
     Lcd "Humidity:" ; Format(humiditys , "0.0") ; " %   "
     Lcd "Temp:" ; Format(temperatures , "0.0") : Lcd " " : Lcd Chr(0) : Lcd "C"
     Waitms 100
    Sub Read_timings
      Wait 3
      Count = 1
      Config Pind.6 = Output : Portd.6 = 0           ' request data
      Waitms 20                        ' wait 20 ms
      Config Pind.6 = Input                  ' wait for data, receive data
      While Count < 43                     'collect 42 timings / signals
       Bitwait Pind.6 , Set                 'signal goes high > start timer
       Start Timer0
       Bitwait Pind.6 , Reset                'signal goes low > stop timer
       Stop Timer0
       Signaltime(count) = Tcnt0               'store number of ticks per signal in Signaltime byte
       Tcnt0 = 0
       Incr Count
    End Sub
    '############################################## Humidity and temperature values
    Sub Humtemp_values
      Local X As Byte
      Humidityw = 0
      Temperaturew = 0
      Humsens_chksum = 0
      Call Read_timings
      For Count = 3 To 42                   ' skip first two
       Select Case Count
         Case 3 To 18
          X = 18 - Count
          If Signaltime(count) > Min_time Then Toggle Humidityw.x
         Case 19 To 34
          X = 34 - Count
          If Signaltime(count) > Min_time Then Toggle Temperaturew.x
         Case 34 To 42
          X = 42 - Count
          If Signaltime(count) > Min_time Then Toggle Humsens_chksum.x
       End Select
    End Sub
    '######################### Calculate Checksum and compare with trasnmitted value
    Function Compare_chksum(byval Hsens_humidity As Word , Byval Hsens_temperature As Word , Byval Hsens_chksum As Byte) As Byte
      Local Chksum As Byte
      Chksum = Low(hsens_humidity ) + High(hsens_humidity )
      Chksum = Chksum + Low(hsens_temperature)
      Chksum = Chksum + High(hsens_temperature)
      If Chksum = Hsens_chksum Then
       Compare_chksum = 1
       Compare_chksum = 0
      End If
    End Function
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    پاسخ : تبدیل کد از مگا16 به مگا8 (بیسیک)

    مطمئنی با مگا 16 کار میکرده؟
    الهم صل علی محمد و آل محمد و عجل فرجهم


      پاسخ : تبدیل کد از مگا16 به مگا8 (بیسیک)

      سلام: بله: کار می کرد؟!ایا تغییراتی که برای مگا8 دادم درست هست(پورت ها را طبق شماتیک تعیین کردم)؟


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