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درک مطلب : Selecting the Headlines

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    درک مطلب : Selecting the Headlines

    من چند تا پاراگراف دارم . مسلما هر کدوم یک Topic Sentence داره و یک ایده کلی رو در بر می گیره . به مرور متن هاشو می ذارم و اونایی که خودم توش مشکل دارمو نظرخواهی می کنم. سوال اینه که بهترین عنوان ( Selecting the Headlines ) رو انتخاب کنید .


    State goverments' budgets continue to rise higher as people demand more and greater services . Tax revenues are the primary source of money for state government . State taxes are collected for sales, income, and inheritances. Sales tax is a broadly used tax which provides the largest part of state income. These taxes are general and selective. General sales tax is collected on all sales. Selective sales tax is collected on certain items only.

    1. The Internal Revenue Service
    2. Budgets of State Governments Continue to Increase
    3. People Demand More Services
    4. Taxation, a Main Source of Income for State Governments
    5. Kinds of Taxes

    پاسخ : درک مطلب : Selecting the Headlines

    سلام حامد جان
    همون طور که از متن مشخصه در مورد درامد های دولت از طریق مالیات بحث شده و انواع مالیات ، مالیات فروش و مالیات بر ارث و مالیات واردات

    میشه یه جورایی گزینه 4 رو انتخاب کرد ** مالیات ، منبع اصلی درامد دولت **
    از طرفی هم در مورد انواع مالیات بحث شده یعنی گزینه 5

    ولی به نظر من بهترین گزینه 4 میتونه باشه

    این فقط نظر شخصی من بود . موفق باشی
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      پاسخ : درک مطلب : Selecting the Headlines

      منم نظرم رو همینه .


      Maize formed the staff of life of the early North American Indians. One of its remarkable forms was Zuni corn which, in order to resist drought, was planted 18 inches deep. The Pueblo Indians used corn in many of their ceremonials such as the snake dance, and in their corn planting and harvesting they observed certain rituals handed down from their forefathers. The prayers for rain and the methods of cultiviation of the maize in separated clumpsargue for a very ancient use of this valuable plant.

      1.Cultivation and Use of Corn by Early North American Indians
      2. Early American Food Plants
      3. The Use of Corn in Indian Ceremonials
      4. The Preservation of Corn by Drying
      5. The Planting of Zuni Corn


        پاسخ : درک مطلب : Selecting the Headlines

        من نظرم روی گزینه 1و 3 ، بیشتر گزینه 1
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          پاسخ : درک مطلب : Selecting the Headlines

          جواب سوال قبلی همون گزینه اوله .
          اما این یکیو شک دارم:


          The ash thrown out of Paricutin is a fine black dust. During the early life of the volcano it filled the air almost constantly. On one occasion it traveled to Mexico City, 200 miles to the east. Street lights often burned in daytime at Uruapan, a town 15 miles away. Near the volcano, ash was everywhere. People and animals inhaled it with every breath. It sifted into clothing, into food, even into watches and other machinery. It covered the countryside like an unrelenting snow of coal dust. As it grew into layers inches deep, natives brushed it off their roof-tops to keep their wooden houses from collapsing.

          1. Traveling Dust
          2. The Birth of Paricutin
          3. Darkness in Daytime
          4. The Ash Thrown Out of Paricutin
          5. The Fine White Dust of Paricutin


            پاسخ : درک مطلب : Selecting the Headlines

            حامد جان من نظزم روی گزینه 1 هست از همه نزدیک تره به موضوع ولی گزینه 4 رو هم در نظر بگیر
            کمتر به سایت میام .....


              پاسخ : درک مطلب : Selecting the Headlines

              من خودم گزینه 4 مد نظرم بود .

              این یکی سادست:


              The kingdom of Jordan is an Arab country, surrounded almost entirely by other Arab countries. On the north it is bounded by Syria and on the northest by Iraq. On the east and south it is bounded by Saudi Arabia. Its neighbor to the west id Israel.

              1. The Kingdom of Jordan
              2. The Climate of Jordan
              3. Jordan's Resources
              4. Jordan's Eastern Neighbor
              5. Jordan's Neighbors


                پاسخ : درک مطلب : Selecting the Headlines

                گزیته 5

                اینا متن ها مربوط به چین حامد جان...
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                  پاسخ : درک مطلب : Selecting the Headlines

                  بهرام جان این یکیو اشتباه کردی . موضوع راجع به کشور اردن هست نه همسایه هاش. درسته که تو متن از همسایه اهش میگه ولی کافیه T.S پاراگرافو پیدا کنی . همون جمله اوله که توش داره میگه اردن یه کشور عربیه که توسط کشورهای عربی دیگه ای احاطه شده . و در ادامه این حرفشو کامل می کنه . در واقع اثبات ایده اولیه خودشه .
                  مثل این می مونه که بگیم ایران کشور بزرگیه و مردمش فارسی زبانن و همسایه هاش ... هستند . هدف و موضوع ایران میشه نه همسایه هاش .
                  پس جواب گزینه 1 میشه .
                  منبعشو هم نمی دونم چیه . فقط می دونم از یه کتابه . آخه چند برگ کپیه که معلومه از یه کتابه .


                  The better kind of cabbage was introduced from Holland into England by Sir Richard Ashley about 1510 and was first taken to Scotland by Cromwell's soldiers. The cauliflower was brought in from Cyprus about 1603 and broccoli from Italy in the previous century. The finer kinds of bean were introduced in the reign of Henry VIII. It was in 1565 that Sir John Hawkins introduced the potato into Ireland and twenty years later Sir Walter Raleigh carried it into England.

                  1. England in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
                  2. Food Plants
                  3. How the Irish Potato Got to Ireland
                  4. The Gift of Sir Walter Raleigh
                  5. Introduction of Food Plants into Great Britain


                    پاسخ : درک مطلب : Selecting the Headlines

                    حامد جان جواب میشه گزینه کلم :mrgreen:

                    به نظر من گزینه 5 نزدیکتره
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                      پاسخ : درک مطلب : Selecting the Headlines

                      آره به نظر منم گزینه 5 جوابشه. میگم من متن هام داره تموم میشه. فکر کنم امکانش باشه شماها هم متن بذارین :mrgreen:


                      There is a simple economic principle used to determine prices. It is called the law of supply and demand. Supply means the amount of or access to certain goods. Demand represents the number of people who want those goods. If there are more goods than wanted, the demand for those goods is much greater than hand, if the demand for those goods is much greater than the supply, then the price rises. Of course, manufacturers prefer to sell more goods at increased prices.

                      1. Economic Principles
                      2. Law of Supply and Deman
                      3. More Goods, Lower Prices
                      4. Fewer Goods, Higher Prices
                      5. Government Controls Supply and Demand


                        پاسخ : درک مطلب : Selecting the Headlines

                        به نظر من که گزینه 2 نزدیکتر هر چند که قانون عرضه و تقاضا از اصول اقتصادین

                        در مورد گداشتن متن باید بگم که فعلا مرحع درست حسابی در این رابطه ندارم که بذارم
                        کمتر به سایت میام .....


                          پاسخ : درک مطلب : Selecting the Headlines

                          منم فکر میکنم گزینه 2 درست باشه(یک هم درسته اما در حالت کلی)


                          لطفا صبر کنید...